well, here we go. Pacx's Progress.

Thank's Zuk'ika. I now have to claw out my eyes....

Here's a concept for ya, Pac'ika. I did a few different variations. Didn't know if you were actually splitting the visor, or what color you wanted your visor frame, so I just guessed...


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HAHAHAHAHAHAH, just imagine the mandalorian as a pretty female mandalorian with no bucket on.... or chest armor, or clothes for that matter
It's good, but I didn't want a modern era buy'ce :p Certainly made mine look SLIGHTLY inferior xD.

I shall explain in further detail:

The mask is split down the centre, with one side white and the other black. There are visible black lines on the white side. On the black side, the visor is tinted black with a yellow outline, and on the white side, it's tinted yellow with a black outline. There are jaig eyes (Which you did perfectly. I was gobsmacked.) on the top - on the black side, it's yellow and on the white side it's red. There's a grate on the bottom of the visor.
dude, Sorry, i mean Its a terrible image but its replaced In my mind by numerous pretty females (most of which are Real people)
Okay. I didn't know if when you said "didn't want a modern era buy'ce" you meant just a standard visor frame like Boba, an not the squared one I did, or if you meant a true old school "andalore the Ultimate" style mask, so I did one of each.

Also, the third one reminds me of Snake Eyes from GI Joe, so it automatically got included...


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I like a mix of the third and second one. And yeah, i did mean Mandalore the Ultimate style.

:p you happy to do another? Or am I pushing you too hard ?
Nah. Psh. I'm at work, where hopefully nothing will happen tonight. This is what I do when I'm bored anyway, so....

Mix of the second and third....maybe have the bottom leg of the T stop about mouth level, with a frown-ish curve to it?
Didn't know if you wanted a big grille or a small grille, so I did one of each.


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Sweet. Glad you're happy. One more try, though...

Also, I did this one. I think it's better than the other two. More sinister, ya know? That's just me, though. Might not be what you're looking for.


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Awww....come on now. Yer gonna make me blush.

I'll quit hijacking your thread now and let you get back to what you were doing.
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