Video of my 2 yr old naming SW characters


Active Hunter
I was digging through my harddrive for family videos and found this one of my son (then just a bit over 2 years 5 years old) when I gave him a box of Star Wars action figures.

As you can hear, he is barely learning to talk; however, he is able to name almost all the characters as he pulls them out of the box.

I'll be sending this Youtube link to all my friends who claim that I brainwashed him into loving Star Wars........they can see that he has been into it since he was still in diapers.

Here is the may have to turn up the volume a bit to hear his voice:
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he hangs onto that stormtrooper like there's no tomorrow. he will serve the empire well in years to come.
You have a cute kid. And a bright one at that. But he needs to know the characters real well if you want him to become a bounty hunter!

It's good to know that you can pass on the good Star Wars genes to the young-uns!

Thanks for showing us Saint Nasty!
Its amazing how much they know. My daughter is 2 and knows her characters pretty well too, and has only watched a little of the movies. She knows the difference between ESB and ROTJ, because of the color of Luke's lightsaber. She always wants to watch "movie with Luke with green lightsaber" (ROTJ). She certainly knows Darth "Vlader". When she sees Boba Fett, its not Boba Fett but its "daddy":D
I remember being real proud when he was able to distinguish that both action figures were Luke (the black ROTJ and the white ANH) and when he knew Han Solo even though he was in Hoth gear.

You should hear him now though......he gets into fights and arguments with people about the correct facts of Star Wars.....hates it when laymen get Boba and Jango confused or calls Clonetroopers "Stormtroopers". I can already see him in a few years on the TDH or RPF arguing the exact thread count of Boba's flak vest or other details.
Wow thats cool. My son used to call them all Stormtrooper "guy" and Darth Vader "guy" too. At 6 he still refers to them as his guys, but leaves it off while naming them.8)
Just came back to this thread after 14 years. Didn't think my TDH account was even still active. Son is 19 now and we still watch Mandalorian, Bad Batch, Andor, together at midnight when they came out.
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