Trimming ABS?


Active Hunter
Hey everyone!
Trying to figure out how to do the finish trimming on my RKD armor? I've heard about using aluminum shears, but these seem like small areas that just need minor (but accurate and neat) trimming. Any advice or methods??
Use a dremel tool with the sanding drum

Don't you go through a lot of drums, or can you clean them some how? I use a cutting/grinding tip:


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Gotcha, that's what I was doing, just seems to be very time consuming. Never an easy way haha thanks for confirming it though!

Still takes a long time...
Don't you go through a lot of drums, or can you clean them some how? I use a cutting/grinding tip:

View attachment 101417

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Still takes a long time...
Hmm, I have that tip as well. Maybe I'll give that a shot too, for the rougher edges and clean up with the sandpaper. Last time I used that bit though it wasn't too friendly haha I'll give it another shot though. Thanks!
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