"The Twelve Parsec Stare" - Boba Fett fan film in the works!


Jr Hunter

Yo hunters!

It's been a while since I last logged in to TDH, it used to be of a bit darker color scheme a while ago! I'd like to start by saying that the amount of knowledge and support here was essential when I was in progress of building my ESB Fett. A year-long process of acquiring the parts one by one, hours of studying the details and the excitement of completing the puzzle piece by piece - it was a great journey which I don't think would have had the end it ultimately did without TDH's influence. Great memories. Thank you all!

The reason I'm actually writing this post is another kind of journey. Our compact production crew here in Finland has been working on a Boba Fett short film for some time now. The non-profit and non-commercial project is intended as a portfolio piece and a work reference for our future plans. I've also tied my studies to the scheme as I'm writing my thesis about the marketing side of the project. Best part is of course to be in contact with the Star Wars universe and its fanbase, our target audience!

The making of the film has been a wild ride so far. We've received a lot of assistance from the 501st members here in Finland and all of the aid from borrowing gear to participating to the shooting as extras has been invaluable. The pre-production phase ended recently in our filming week and we wrapped the principal photography just a while ago. The first edit of the film is complete and we're composing effects as I write this down, but we've also got some material to show you guys in form of still photography!

If you like, you can follow the completing of the film on our website and on our Youtube channel, where we will post Production Diary videos on the making of material. We aim to finish the film by May, when we also hope to arrange a premiere screening here in Finland. The complete short film will also appear on our channel later on.

In case you share our excitement, please pass the word on that something cool is in the works. :) And check the photo galleries on our site, we're having so much fun and I hope it's conveyed by the picture evidence!


Teemu / BH-8938
Ruined Films

Now Ready and out there! Check it out at

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Need more! Boba looks so good in that poncho and I love the hark back to the pre pros and Holiday Special with the gear. It definitely gives him some history and progression like the Mythos statue did, rather than just kitting him out in ESB or ROTJ colours.

Really looking forward to more on this; a western is the only real way to make a Fett film.
Just checked out Ruinedfilms, wow loved what I saw! The detail and dedication to this is inspiring. Can't wait for more!:thumbsup:
Wow! that looks amazing! the armor doesn't even look like a prop....it looks realer than real!
I'm super excited about this project!
Keep us posted about this!
Thanks guys, I'm happy you approve! Here's the poster we just put out. You might be able to spot a resemblance with a certain Western placard!

not sure how I missed this thread....but I just watched the embedded video about the making of the film and I am impressed. I will now watch the actual thing.
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