stormtrooperguy's rotj helmet rattlecan colors


Sr Hunter
Since there seem to always be threads about paint colors for RotJ, I figured I'd create some search-fodder.

At this point they may not even be available anymore.

This is just what i like. This isn't "right". You might hate the results. The cans might explode, sending shrapnel into your eyes. I'm not to blame for any of that!! Enough folks have said they like my suit that I guess it's at least ok.

Personally, I think you should seek out the colors that YOU like best, rather than just trusting someone else to make the decision. It's your helmet, so make it you YOU want it, not how I want it! :)

Also note that I'm not mentioning anything about the subtle weathering... mists of grey and brown, graphite powder, razor scratches, etc...

This is my helmet:


And here's what I painted it with:


From left to right:
Grey Primer
Metallic Silver
Moss Green
Sage Green
Claret Wine
Hunter Green
Navy Blue
Flat Black

Start off with a coat of primer, followed by a coat of silver.

Mask off the silver parts with latex masking fluid, then spray a coat of primer. This will act as a grey base, since some grey damage shows through.

From there, you'll be masking off various parts of the helmet for different things. Since this is just a paint list, not a real tutorial, I'll just leave it at that. :)

For the dome and cheeks, I use a mix of colors. I basically mist one on top of the other until i like it.

The main colors there are sage green and moss green, using more of the sage than the moss.

The visor is done with a coat of flat black, followed by misted layers of Claret Wine until I like it. The Claret Wine has a pinkish color against white/grey, but on the black it looks good.

The mandibles I use flat black as the base, then mist on a bit of navy blue and a bit of hunter green, usually followed by a light mist of black.

For the back, I use hunter green.

The kill stripes I hand paint in with acrylics once it's all dry. Just go to any art supply place and pick up a bottle of one that looks good. There are too many different brands to even try to nail one down.

And when the paint is all done, I seal it with some Testor's Dullcote. I don't have any on hand now, so it isn't in the photo.
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Nice one Brian, I think your 100% right that people should use what colour they like, for my FPH I used mostly Rogue Studios colours with a few of my own selections thrown in, great thread which will no doubt help a lot of people :thumbsup:
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Great job Brian. I know this will help tons of people because there isn't all that much listed out there for ROTJ in a rattlecan.
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Wow, this is really helpful. I may have to buy another mystery helmet to play with now.
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i accidentally bought gloss hunter green, do you think would suffice or should i return it for non-gloss?
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would it be taboo to do a ESB style paint job with ROTJ colors for a ROTJ mr. fett??

the reason i ask, the ROTJ helmet does not hve the detail of the ESB one. and i am doing a ROTJ fett.
That helmet looks great with the can paints. Think ill be having a go myself once i find the same colours over here in the UK. Good work!!!
would it be taboo to do a ESB style paint job with ROTJ colors for a ROTJ mr. fett??

the reason i ask, the ROTJ helmet does not hve the detail of the ESB one. and i am doing a ROTJ fett.

you can do what you want... it's your helmet :)

i wouldn't... the esb and rotj paint jobs are completely different, both colors and styles of weathering. so to me, it's one or the other.
Is there any one hardware store like Osh or home depot or Do It Center where you can get all of the paints?
Or would I have to visit several places to acquire all of the colors?
Is there any one hardware store like Osh or home depot or Do It Center where you can get all of the paints?
Or would I have to visit several places to acquire all of the colors?

your guess is as good as mine :)

home depot used to have it all, but out here at least they switched to krylon.
I was able to find all of those colors at my closest Home Depot, all the ones I go to are still Rust-Oleum.

And while I'm in here thanks a bunch for posting both of your comprehensive spray can paint lists!
They came in enormously helpful and I'm looking forward to using the colors again when I build my next non rushed-Halloween armor set.
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