So I want to start a Mandalorian build. Where do I start on getting some build help?


New Hunter
First off I am new here. I went on here before to get help with a Jango build a few years back and now after stopping by the table at Celebration, I want to start a Mandalorian build. I know great reference photos are not available right now, but if I wanted to get started on who would I go to for help for the armor and the soft parts? The armor from the photos seems pretty basic, not that intricate of gauntlets or a range finder. So wouldn't a basic armor set pretty much work? The shoulders look different but I would imagine there is something available to use that are like those. It appears the flight suit is a dark grey that looks pretty similar to the Jango flight suit (so maybe Arkady for that one?) and the rifle is the same one from the holiday special Boba (no idea who to go to for that one).

Anyways, I would like to get started somehow and start reaching out to all the people who offer services to help me out. I realize in the end it probably will not qualify for 501st or anything since it is being made based on the photos that are out today. Whenever we have more detailed photos I figured I could make changes down the line at that time.
It'll be a tougher build since it's all fresh research bein done right now, and I expect a lot of makers will be reluctant to take commissions on parts of it before we get better resources and they've either made a personal one first or can be really confident on making one for someone else. Since you're not too worried about any cert though you can probably give yourself a lot more freedom, a lot of it does seem like customized basic Fett/mando parts, so you can probably get pretty far customizing kits yourself. It'll deff take some prop building experiance though.
As you can see from my avatar, I'm going to base my custom suit on this design, with the exception that I'm going to use a Bobamaker Jango bucket instead with my own paint scheme. By the way, Bobamaker is already working on a bucket based on the new design! My target date is September next year, so I'm well into researching the limited pictures that are available to us at this time. I'm assuming and hoping they release a visual dictionary and art of books in time for Christmas. Since I already figured out the bucket, I'm still trying to identify what kind of boots they used. Although my suit won't match The Mandalorian's, I'll be more than happy to share information as far as materials that might be helpful.
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