Salutations from Ohio.


New Hunter
I have been using this site as a resource for a month or so now to build my Prototype Boba Fett Costume and I figured it time to create an account.
Currently working on armor piece which I am crafting with eva foam for cost as I already had plenty on hand.


I put a layer of white plastidip on today in prep for painting.


Hope you'll have me,
battle damage.
Welcome. Your armor build looks great so far. I am building up the courage and resources to build my own as well. What part of Ohio?
Welcome. Your armor build looks great so far. I am building up the courage and resources to build my own as well. What part of Ohio?

Cleveland. I can't help you with courage, but the best thing I have done is just get going with whatever materials I had. So far I have built everything for less than $25. Kinda treating it as an alway "Work in Progress" project.

Hope to see what you make soon!
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