rubio95's FPH2 - RotJ WIP

I love Jayvee!

That is looking outstanding. Looks like you've done this several times....I'm curious too on the transfer paper if it's carbon or what. Damaged areas looking spot on...
Thanks, Sean!

Sorry I didn't answer before. Yes, it's carbon transfer paper. Professor Deadland put me on to it. It's available at Staples. For like 10 bucks for a pack of 100 sheets or something. Awesome, awesome stuff.

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I love Jayvee!


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The more i see and read the more i m getting an eye for the stuff like depth, accuracy etc...tho i wudnt ever hav a go myself...(in the interest of my own mental health of course!!!) look awesome
Oh man, that's looking excellent!
That green is so rich. It'll look great with the misting.
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I haven't done as much as I wanted over the last few days, because I needed to focus on the details of the back plates before moving on to the next area.

Last night I spent quite a bit of time removing the carbon lines from the transfer job. I know that subject has come up a bit lately. I was thinking of trying the Magic Eraser pen method, but in the end, just a regular old eraser worked fine. After pulling (most) of the carbon, I misted over the back plates in certain areas with one of the grays I have. That part was really fun, because you start to see the 'haze' that really looks proper to the eye. I might add an additional bit of misting with a lighter, bluer paint, very subtly. Having fun!



While I was waiting to handle the lid, I started prepping my little side project...

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This is awesome so many WIP's have been done on ESB and ESB-SE's which are crazy arse awesome, but to have one with this particular lid n detail focusing purely on RoTJ is captivating.... and reiterates my decision to go bak ( 3 builds later LOL ) to pure RoTJ - must be getting nostalgic with age hey
Minor update...

I laid the mists for the lower cheeks. Tried to get them perfect, but as long as it's close to the mark, I'm okay with it.

I have to retract what I said earlier, about Rafalfett's templates. He didn't miss a thing. But there's a HUGE difference between the helmet as it was photographed during filming RotJ and how the helmet looks now. Yes, the ESB helmet is similar in that regard, but the additional 'weathering' on the ESB appears to mostly be from ACTUAL damage. The RotJ, on the other hand, appears to have more actual weathering than damage. The only thing I can figure is that not all of the masking was removed before filming. So apologies to Rafal.

Anyways, I've got the lower cheeks covered in green. I have to wait for that to dry, then mask and mist over it.

I wanted to call attention to one last thing, though. As you're all painfully aware, I'm a fan of Jayvee. The picture I'm attaching isn't a very good picture, but I included the bottle of Jayvee's green in the shot. Have you ever had that feeling that you see something, and it just LOOKS right to you? That's what I felt like when I saw Jayvee's green. About two years ago, I discovered his thread. I immediately started buying up his colors, in anticipation of using them SOMEday. I mixed the green into a separate bottle, happy that whenever I was ready, the green would be waiting. So thanks to Fettpride and Jayvee, that's one color that's been ready to rock for a few years, now. Small rant, sorry....

So things are going well. I'll be able to start misting tomorrow, after the green is fully dried. I might drop another layer or two over it before the night is over.

Oh, yeah, my side project is lurking in the background. Super Trooper, anyone?

I have to retract what I said earlier, about Rafalfett's templates. He didn't miss a thing. But there's a HUGE difference between the helmet as it was photographed during filming RotJ and how the helmet looks now. Yes, the ESB helmet is similar in that regard, but the additional 'weathering' on the ESB appears to mostly be from ACTUAL damage. The RotJ, on the other hand, appears to have more actual weathering than damage. The only thing I can figure is that not all of the masking was removed before filming. So apologies to Rafal.

I saw your post that said about the missing details, but I assumed you were talking about the post ROTJ ones (I don't think you mentioned which version you will paint), so didn't bothered to reply. You don't need to apologize, as I never felt offended.

By the way, great start on that helmet!
Couldn't get away without juuuuust a little more work.

I woke up a little early this morning and had enough time to do a bit of masking. Misting the cheeks starts as soon as I get home!

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