Probing Interest in combined Leather bolo order for girth belts?

You can dye leather with just about anything you can dye cotton with. And some finishes on leather is painted on, so you can even use spray paint. All depends on what kind'a finish you want.(y)

Still one roll left for anyone who wants it!

Hey, I'll go for that! :cheers


I know... I should read up but is this bolo better than the original run that we did that was painted? I might be interested in either trading in my roll or upgrading. I was going to try and make my girth next week but if my vest and gauntlets don't arrive then it won't matter so I would rather go for the better stuff ;)

LMK by pm if you can .. thanks :)
Ok guys, I just got an email this morning from the rep saying the stuff finally shipped today...and "sorry" for the delay.:rolleyes So, I expect to receive the stuff within a week to a week and a half.

I'll be contacting those on the girth belt list via PM so I can see who's dealing with deadlines and for CIV needs since this delay has pushed everthing very close to CIV.

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