Jet Pack Pre-orders opened up for Anovos jetpacks

I like the fact that there will be less masking off areas for paint.
Funny How I just finished my MOW JP Saturday, and now I'm Getting another from Anovos. My wife Is going to Kill me. At least I have plenty of time to talk her into it or come up with an excuse before it arrives lol.
I not planning on getting one of these but just for a laugh I looked at how much they charge to ship to me in NZ and it’s almost the cost of the pack.. highest shipping cost was $400us to ship!
I would call that bording on crazy..... considering I have gotten quotes for around $100 for the same item here... I guess they do over pack what hey make to ensure it doesn’t get damaged...
I bit the bullet on this and ordered one. I've run out of things to complain about so I thought this could set me up for the next couple of years and if I eventually get something it'll be a great bonus.
There is something I noticed about the pack and wondered if it can be corrected or added as a part.... take a look at the circled areas in both photos. On the ESB pack, that area is inset.

ESB Jetpack 1.png Star_Wars_Fett_Rocket_Pack_00.jpg


To be clear, I think the pack is amazing and the idea of getting one scanned from an original is awesome. I just want to figure out if that's a piece that can be addressed now or if I would have to do it later.
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The assembly diagram looks like that section is built of three main parts; the top, the ring, and the main rocket body so it might be possible to modify it when building it.
This is Reggie from ANOVOS with new information about your order #ANOVOS-***** for the STAR WARS Mandalorian™ Jetpack Kit (Pre-Order). After much discourse, we have moved the production of this kit to a new manufacturer. This move requires us to return to the pre-production stage to allow the new manufacturer time to tool up for the project. We have had great success with this manufacturer and we are excited in the confidence that this project will be no exception. We are currently awaiting a new pre-production sample in a few weeks, and we have adjusted the shipping schedule to reflect Winter 2018 to accommodate for this. We are truly thrilled with being on track to get these out to customers in the Winter, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

We found that moving projects to different manufacturers has improved our ability to provide a full range of items to customers this season, and we continue to strive for that goal. This upcoming season has promised to be our opportunity to finish outstanding projects and continue to move forward with a number of other wonderful items that are planned for release in the coming year. We sincerely appreciate that you continue to stand with us as we move forward. Thank you for being an ANOVOS customer!

As your Customer Supply Liaison it is my goal to ensure each and every one of our customers are kept up-to-date on the progress of their orders. I will continue to monitor the progress of this production run and update you if any new details arise in regards to your order.


Reggie Scott
Customer Supply Liaison
My Sarcasm meter is going off a little. #setrealisticgoals

Hahaha. Chortle Chortle.

Your sarcasm skills are working fine Dom. That was pure sarcasm. I don't think any of the more informed among us expected this date was reliable. I've reached a point with all of this stuff that I now don't don't drop any quids that I'm not prepared to lose outright; that's a sad state in some ways but it's realistic in many other ways. Few companies or makers seem to be able to deliver reliability over many,many years.

As mentioned in my earlier facetious post I was expecting this so I committed for the reasons that you, Art, and others mentioned; in a quest for accuracy is it worth the gamble - of course it is, and I'm happy with it. That doesn't mean I won't be chiefly British and be sarcastic about it. I'm British!

I'm intersted in the accuracy all of the high profile options might deliver us. I'm rooting for all of them whilst not liking the timescales. I'm hoping the # isn't directed at me, after all; it wasn't me that set the unrealistic goal... it was Anovos.

I just want us all to get accurate packs in time. I think we probably agree on most things, over time.

Peace Brother.

Even the new delivery time is unrealistic. I don't understand why they don't just tell it like it is. The Jetpack is far more work then a helmet to cast. Its going to take them some time for the bodies and with the volume I think they have its super unlikely that they will make molds and cast all the orders for the new timeline.
Even the new delivery time is unrealistic. I don't understand why they don't just tell it like it is. The Jetpack is far more work then a helmet to cast. Its going to take them some time for the bodies and with the volume I think they have its super unlikely that they will make molds and cast all the orders for the new timeline.

Agree entirely. I think this all has to fit squarely into the 'it is what it is' pile.

wonder what ever happened to this

I contacted Anovos about a month ago and they said they had no reason to believe it wouldn't ship by the Winter 2018 (December 18th, 2018 - March 19th, 2019) deadline. Kind of a generic response. I have my doubts still so ordered a backup from another source since I'm trying to have mine done before Celebration in April.
The excessive and prolonged wait time with Anovos was to be expected and really not an issue for me, but reading the recent comments about them on the other prop forums is kind of worrisome.
Yeah, I'm getting just a little worried too if I'm being honest. Obviously I hope for the best, but still... Been watching the threads on the other forums and its starting to get really ugly; and I cant help but feel its entirely from a complete lack of communication and honesty on Anovos's part. Outwardly it's seeming like Anovos really screwed the pooch somewhere along the line and they're in some real trouble financially, all the signs just point in that direction. If that were the case, I think people would be a lot more forgiving to Anovos so long as the company was open and honest about it and presented a reasonable plan in mind, but instead they're ghosting people and censoring comments on their pages, which is just gonna piss people off further and cause an avalanche effect of asking for refunds (which seems to be happening already), further complicating whatever issues are going on at Anovos. Again, I hope for the best, but the realist in me wont be surprised if this goes further south. Makes me glad I put my pack pre-order on my card for the peace of mind that Im protected worse case scenario

I do appreciate that Reggie at least has been fairly good with communicating with us, so there is that
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