places to get soft parts for boba fett costume


New Hunter
I am a new member to this forum after many searches through the internet to find places where people could help with my Boba build. I am looking for places that could make the soft parts for the costume other than Bobamaker that is in the united states. I like his work its just the shipping destroys my wallet at the moment. could someone help thanks.
Debbie aka LadySewforus was mentioned here quite a bit. I do not yet have any of her items but recently ordered esb flight suit, pouches and neck seal. I think she also does flaks and capes. Does not weather. I will have in 5-6 months or so. Looking forward to it.
Arkady also does all the soft parts I believe. I think Ladysewforus and her are cousins or she taught her how to sew or something related I don't remember clearly but they both are seamstress so they can take measurements to fit you and from what I've read it's good all around. You can try Man of War Studios on eBay for a flightsuit/vest/neckseal but people go to him mainly for boots. Batninja offers vests and neckseals on here. Saint_Nasty does gloves on here as well and that's pretty much everyone in the US.. Bobamaker otherwise. For belts 99centTaco or rumor has it BooBooFett might come back. Woodman too mentioned below.
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I have a vest, neckseal, flightsuit and pouches from LadySewForUs. I'm happy with the products I received from her, everything is very well made.
every time this question gets asked I always say crazy4bobafett
and nobody ever listens.
I was gonna say the same thing. I HIGHLY recommend her work. I only have a jumpsuit from her so far (because I bought everything else from other vendors already before I even knew about her) and it's incredible. :thumbsup: She's a little more expensive, but worth every single penny. She also works in the film industry so that'll tell you the level of quality of craftsmanship that you'll be getting from her and also the reason you're paying more for her highly skilled labor.
I just posted in another thread about crazy4bobafett! I personally have an Arklady suit as i got it before i even knew about Crazy4bobafett. But i am 100% happy with her suit and im sure both are in the same league. Crazy4bobafett also does vests. Batninja does vests and neckseals but i think he is almost done for this batch. MOW for boots for sure. Saint_nasty for gloves. Woodman for cape, girth(if you want one pre-dyed) and braids. i think that covers all the soft parts of the gear.
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