My Rick Massa Shadowfax ROTJ Armor Build Thread

We’ve come full circle. So proud to have been able to get Rick’s Armor back to trooping status and keep it going in the Garrison and on the anniversary of Rick’s first time wearing it. Felt so good to make people smile and hear things like “Boba Fett! You are my favorite character!” Thank you to the Northeast Remnant, the Bounty Hunters Guild, and The Dented Helmet! ❤️❤️❤️ Much Love!

Thinking of Rick today. 3 years ago today he passed. I know he and Sue are together again and looking over on us. Hope he is happy to see his Fett back in rotation. Love you and miss you brother.


Thank you so much, what a thread! I have just aquired a costume that is 90% perfect but need those special tweeks to complete it. All you pictures etc are exactly what I need (the dying of the pipes was genius). Thanks again ;-)
This thread is more than 4 years old.

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