My new friend


I would like to introduce my new buddy. I did the old clothes/duct tape/expandable foam thing. He is still a work in progress. I wanna make arms, and maybe a head(at least something that supports the helmet better than just a pipe). I would like to finish my Sidewinder before I make the arms, so I can form them to hold it nicely. I have hollow pvc running up inside the legs so I can slide him onto a peg mount that I will build. Funny thing is that right now he stands on his own, without the support. It's kinda creepy, and I have no idea why I didn't make one of these a long time ago.
3 rolls of tape, 4 cans of expandable foam, and 14' pvc pipe. I could have used less foam, I had early mistakes. If you make really thick layers of foam (like in the whole leg at once) the foam at the bottom can be cut off from the air, preventing it from expanding and drying well. If I had done more smaller layers at the bottom, I probably could have filled it with 2 to 3 cans. Also it seems that if you don't use the whole can, after about 24 of sitting without use, it no longer puts out the pressure and foam correctly, so you will waste some if you don't use it all within a few hours. You could make a small layer every 10 minutes or so, and not waste any foam.
Total investment: $20-$25
Here is the stand I threw together today:

and here is the underside showing the base of the leg supports:

complete with my friend in place:
So I just got my new flight suit from Arkady, and I realized that with the shoes as feet on this guy, you can't put the flight suit on it! Looks like I am gonna have to amputate!
I cut the feet off and threw a few items on there just for the pic:

I think I am going to use newspaper around the arms, then tape. I will keep them in completely individual parts, so I can still adjust them at the joints.
They go thru the bottom of the feet, so I may not be able to put shoes/boots on him. Next time maybe I will go thru the back of the foot near the ankle, so I can put the boots on. I don't wanna cut a hole in the bottom of my boots! I didn't really plan too much, and it was easy to run a pvc pipe straight thru the leg and out the bottom. I have used all of this as a learning experience. I had an idea to cut the back of the shoe, and give the pvc a slight bend to the back of the foot. That way I should be able to get the boots under the legs and just in front of the supports. Any ideas?
Dude, it still creeps me out. Every so often I see it in the corner of my eye, and think someone is in my apartment! I should take some more pics. I have completed the arms. I ended up wrapping them in newspaper, and taping around that. It worked well, and now the arms fill out the sleeves correctly. I can also take them apart at the elbow and shoulder, and with a variety of angled connectors, I can pose the arms.
Thats pretty cool. I learned a different method where you cover your self (from neck to ankle) with siran wrap and then use strips of duct tape and start at the anles and work your way up. Then have your buddy cut you out of it carefully. It takes two people and comes out really creepy when its put back together.I just made certain body parts that i needed for sculpting purposes and stuffed them full of news paper. Never thought about using PVC as a support frame though,good idea.
This is looking great buddy, i love the base you've made for the fett to stand on, thats given me an idea :thumbsup:...!

This is pretty much the same way i made my manny, the only trouble i have is the arms sometimes detach themselves from the shoulders :lol:

FettSniper: The base was really easy. It actually was more of a pain to find the rods at Home Depot. I know where stuff is more than there employees do, at least at the one by where I live. Yours looks pretty complete, did you take off the gloves to show the pvc, or are you still figuring out the hands? I am still brainstorming that. I want to have some heavy wire in the fingers so they are mobile.
Any thoughts?

utopia: Thats basically what I did, but no siran wrap. I just used an old pair of clothes and taped over that. I did it by myself (which I do not recommend) so I only taped up to my armpits, then built up the shoulders and the arms after.
FettSniper: The base was really easy. It actually was more of a pain to find the rods at Home Depot. I know where stuff is more than there employees do, at least at the one by where I live. Yours looks pretty complete, did you take off the gloves to show the pvc, or are you still figuring out the hands? I am still brainstorming that. I want to have some heavy wire in the fingers so they are mobile.
Any thoughts?

Unfortunately my fett is handless at the moment, waiting on the cod piece and gloves from Bobamaker :D, ive made some hands out of wire, foam and some left over piping from the gauntlet hose, there are some pics on my WIP thread, will dig them out for you.

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