My Boba Upgrade Build

Going to attempt to heat armor in the oven at a moderate temp to acheive even heating through out the entire plate, which will hopefully allow me to reshape them slightly to better contour to my torso. But it will have to wait until i get back to Italy from Germany, Ive got some soldiering stuff to take care of first. hopefully Ill have some updates by next weekend.
Tonight I bake my fiberglass armor at 250 in an attempt to shape it better, fingers crossed it works!! If not I may be in the market for a new set of armor :(
Success!!! I have managed to defeat the "Fat Guy Fett"!!!! The fiberglass plates bent perfectly, at about 225 for ten minutes each, then a dip in cool water to hold the new shape, with only minor damage to the paint job and mounting screws of the ab plate (the first one I did). Ill post some pics tomorrow, its getting late, but man am I happy it worked!!! stay tuned for updates.
Alright!!! A much better fit, the plates fit much more snugly against my torso. No more jutting or pulling at the vest at the edges of the chest or ab plates. Now just a little damage control on the ab plate from the oven, but no big deal. Fat Fett averted!!!


Well progress has been slow lately, Ive been a little busy between training with the German Army and preparing to return to the states soon. But here's what Ive been able to get done: Added the tip to the rocket, got a few more details in on the right gauntlet and epoxied some earth magnets to keep them shut (I may put one more set of magnets in each gauntlet for the added security) Next on the agenda will be remounting the screws on the ab plate and touching up the paint job. Then I may finish up the shin tools.




Thanks guys, I figured this way would give the magnets the most holding power, I just put a sticky note in between them to keep from accidentally gluing them together when I epoxied them to the gauntlet. Id like to know how you did yours RKD.
Has anyone seen or used this ammo belt from ebay? It doesnt look bad per se, but the angles on the pouches dont look quite right, but then in some pics the pouches seem to resemble these more so. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated- my other option is having a buddy of mine make one from real leather, thanks!!



I've seen those too, they're nice 'cause they're leather and functional, but if you are going for screen accuracy I don't think they are the best way to go, I made mine with batninja tutorial with pleather and I think look great...
Has anyone seen or used this ammo belt from ebay? It doesnt look bad per se, but the angles on the pouches dont look quite right, but then in some pics the pouches seem to resemble these more so. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated- my other option is having a buddy of mine make one from real leather, thanks!!

For accuracy's sake go with the batninja tutorial... there is a new one that a newer member made as well. I think Rafalfett was invoved too... they actually used vinyl on the screen used prop so it could be an inexpensive scratchbuild that will look very good.
Yeah I was originally planning on remaking them myself, I rushed the first ones I made too much, and they came out sloppy. And celebration 6 is coming quick and Im trying to save time if I can with a few bought items. I still have to assemble and paint my jetpack, and build/ buy a harness along with a list of other small things. Its getting to be crunch time, and Im in the middle of getting ready to move back to the US on top of everything else lol. But if time gets too tight I might just get this one and upgrade later. I guess we'll see how everything falls into place.
Thanks guys, I figured this way would give the magnets the most holding power, I just put a sticky note in between them to keep from accidentally gluing them together when I epoxied them to the gauntlet. Id like to know how you did yours RKD.

Great idea AD!
Here's a section from my build thread on that:

I've tried velcro in the past and am not happy with it at all, not to mention that it wears out and it just doesn't hold. In fact, I don't think velcro would work very good for these gaunts at all because they are so stiff. Doing magnets is a bit more time consuming and more expensive but when you're done, that's it. No more fussing and the best part? don't have to worry about them wearing out.
OK so for the first step after sizing and finish trimming I marked my spot where I wanted the magnets to connect. I figured in the corners since that is where the gaunts will want to pull apart the most and will need the most pressure applied.
So, mark your spot and cut out some holes for the magnets to fit through on the BOTTOM shells. In this case, square holes because I'll be using cube magnets. I'm not sure what the strength rating is on these but they're pretty strong. I would recommend around a 5 lb rating. Not too strong, but strong enough for these gaunts. If you have .060 gaunts you may not need magnets that strong because they'll flex easier than .090. Enough talk, take a look ;)

Cut the hole a little larger to allow easy passage for the magnet (but not too big)

Next I matched up my shell halves and marked with a white color pencil on the inside of the upper clam


Next I attach my magnets inside the upper clams where I marked, with some Loctite Plastix Bonder




After that I added some plastic spacers to the inside of the lower clams in order to recess the second magnet in order to allow passage for the initial magnet to slide all the way up. That will allow your clam halves to clamp together more tightly. This method is what I like to refer to as my 'peg and slot' method. The second (lower clam) magnet holds the first (upper clam) magnet into the slot while at the same time the first magnet acts as a peg. Since the magnets are holding themselves together inside the hole, there is no way the pieces can slip or slide one way or another until you take them apart (and even then they still want to go back together). Once they're together that's it. They're easy to put on and take off too. Another great benefit is that you can still take the halves apart and work on them without having to tear anything apart.
This will work on just about anything. (I used this method on my RC for the elbows attaching to the forearms and it worked great as well.) just have to think about how to apply it and which side will be the slot and which the peg ;) Take a look below and it might make more sense when you see the pics
Recessed magnet on the lower clam

Upper clam with cube magnet gripping tightly - peg and slot baby!!

This worked out so well and the magnets were strong enough that I only needed 4 peg and slots per gaunt (a total of 16 magnets). I was gonna add another one in the middle on each side but there was no need. These bad boys hold together on their own no problem

After that I decided to just go ahead and get them primed and let them sit over night

These'll be ready to sand tomorrow then I'll shoot them with some metallic silver and a coat of matte finish to seal it in and then it'll be masking nightmare for the next few days after that.
All in all, this whole process only took me about 2 or 3 hours (I broke it up here and there so it's hard to say exactly how long it took to this point). Not bad for the first day's work and it was fun to work on.
Production has been a bit slow lately, but I managed to put the shin tools together to keep busy, just waiting on gauntlet darts, and I think I might start piecing the jet pack together soon.


First run at weathering my boots, after a comparison with the gallery I am very pleased. Although they are still slightly damp, Ill wait until tomorrow before I decide if Im going to add a slightly darker layer just around the top of the sole. First pic is without flash. Tell me what you guys think, thanks!




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