Merr-Sonn JT-12 jetpack Build - AKA Arena Pack

Not got the cast pulled for the exhaust port cover, but here is the sculpted piece. I decided to go with casting the screws into the part rather than screwing it to the bottom of the pack body, that way it can be glued on, or holes could be made to screw it on if preferred, but I think glue would be a more practical option.


Thanks for all the great comments guys, I am really pleased with how this is shaping up.
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whewwww you have been busy, first those shin tools now this :P
Looking really good mate, although with the base JP you were using it couldn't be anything less than great :D


Ps. I love those milled thrusters :D
that exhaust port detail will be one not available eslewhere. The other sculpts come with a "round" vent.

I did not know that. I went of reference photos to get the shape, and scale from the pack body. It is about the size of a computer mouse, but when I noticed that I had sculpted it in clay lol.

Thanks for the comments guys, really enjoying the process. Just want to get the cones in rubber, still playing with the shapes, but so close. Not to worry the moulds will be done before the body, that takes some rubber - and time.
Hey guys, still working on this, but getting so close now. All the moulds are complete and castings have been made, with the exception of the top domes. They will be complete very soon. This is just roughed out, nothing is fastened or glued, the exhaust port has been tacked on for the photos. I am really pleased that I cast the screws into it, works very well.


Hey Guys, OK, long time no update. So I will get you two over the next day or so :) Here is the first.

I got the domes all sorted. I did not like the first set, so I remade them till I was happy. The moulds of all parts are now complete and I have a couple made already.



Yes I know the vertical line detail part is missing :rolleyes Another update in a day or so :p
That is a superb looking cast. You may end up costing me more money. I really like my MOW but the details you are putting into this one are a notch above. If you want to mail me one I will take some comparison pics for you. LOL. I just can't promise the the mail man won't loose it on the way back...That would be a tragedy....

BTW it is amazing how much the look changes with the vertical line detail is missing. I can still see the accuracy even with it not in place though.
You are not helping, I am already compulsive, all I need is a cheerleader telling me to jump...everyone doing it...come on you will be the coolest kid around if you do it....

The sad part is I have already had that switch thrown deep down in the recesses of my sub concious saying that I NEED this, so yeah I will probably be going for one in the first run........

and I will probably end up on an episode of "My Strange Addictions". LOL
Hey guys thanks for the comments guys, truly it makes it all worthwhile. I think you will like the next and last little surprise with this baby......almost there.

@ F4R, pm coming bro.
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