Mandalorian Mercs Custom Mandalorian Costume Club.

We have had to introduce some standards into Mercs, as we have tons of people apply for membership with anything from Fett Pajamas, Palpatine costumes, and the armor of current Mercs members.

So, to give you an idea of what we now look at when you submit an application:

Mandalorian Mercs Costume Guidelines
Rev. 4/2008

In response to the increasing membership and interest in the Mandalorian Mercs, it has become necessary to codify certain minimum costume requirements for admission into the Mercs. As such, the Cuy’val Dar Council has discussed and ratified the following guidelines.

Required Components
Individuals must have ALL required components before official membership will be granted.
1. Helmet with T-shaped visor; visor must be dark enough to obscure eyes/face from other’s vision
2. Chest armor
3. At least TWO armor components below the waist (codpiece, thigh armor, knee armor, shin armor, and/or foot armor)
4. Some form of armor or covering on the lower arms (gauntlets, bracers, gloves, handwraps, etc.)
5. Some form of back covering (jet pack, backpack, back armor, cape, cloak, etc.)
6. Shoulder armor
7. At least one weapon of Star Wars-universe style (not modern-looking)

Suggested Components
These items are not required, but are included as additional suggested costume components.
1. Belt—girth belt, ammo belt, duty belt, sash, etc.
2. Kama
3. Use of mythosaur skull (Jaing or Mercs) in armor design
4. Multiple weapons

The DON’T List
1. No soft armor/Halloween costumes/Mando pajamas
2. No tennis shoes/sneakers
3. No visible zippers or closures on flight suit/under-armor unless considered part of the costume’s look
4. No jeans, t-shirts, sweat suits, etc. used as under-armor
5. No Jedi-Mandos or Sith-Mandos. “Force-adept” or “Force-sensitive” Mandos are acceptable.
6. No stiletto boots. Platform boots are acceptable.

**As always, any costume must meet socially accepted standards of good taste and modesty.**

Acceptable armor material:
Sintra, Kydex, PVC, ABS, Styrene, Fiberglass, Metal

Grandfather Clause
Any current accepted or admission-pending (prior to 5/4/2008) Mercs members will not be required to adhere to these guidelines, and current members are not expected to resubmit their applications.

Admission Process
1. Application completion
2. Submission of costume pictures. Pictures must include front view, back view, left and right side view, close-up of helmet, and helmet-off shots. Any other pictures you wish to submit are appreciated!
3. Discussion and voting by Cuy’val Dar Council members.
4. Acceptance, Probationary acceptance with suggestion of improvements, or Denial.
5. In some cases, the council may ask for a shot of your bucket next to a piece of paper with the Mercs logo just to verify actual ownership of the armor.

We basically had to do this just to continue the validity of the club. The council looks over each applicant's armor and make a vote on it based off of what you submit. We still only ask for good quality armor, and since 99% of armor kits have the required components we are looking for...then membership isn't any different then before.

I'll be happy to discuss these new standards with anyone who would like to discuss them. My PM box is always open. =)

Nice! I like 'em! As soon as a few other projects are finished up, I'll be putting back into place my custom Mandalorian. After all, can't let that awesome Marrow Sun bucket be lonely!



Honestly I was more afraid that instituting something like this would turn people away...but we have actually had 6 new official member applicants since this all went official. We had to add something to validate the hard work people have been doing in Mercs, and this was really the only way we knew how to do it. It doesn't limit creativity by any means, just solidifies what the world sees as "Mandalorian", and thats our goal in the end really.

This decision also wasn't the idea of one person, but a group of 8 people with a combined 15 years of costuming as Mandalorians. So we did what we thought was best for the club and what it represents to the world, and hopefully Mandalorian costumers around the world.

Sounds awesome. I may have to apply once I get my armour completed... :D Either way, I can fully understand all them new rules - if you're gonna have a collection of people in armour, might as well make it look good, eh?
Kandosii stuff guys, I'm uber excited to join... just one catch.. I'm going on a mission for my church for 2 years, and won't be able to get my custom done before I leave. But I already have a concept in the makeing, with backstory and all that jazz. Hopefully by the time I get back they'll be a clan in Utah, if there isn't already one.

You guys are doing great job wit the site by the way.(y)
I can't access the Mercs site right now, but the rest of my internet is working fine. Anybody else having a problem like this?
Yep, it's been down since 7:30 am. Somethings up with the host, can't even access their website to put in a ticket at the moment.

Soon as it's up, I'll let you guys know.
So about 3 or 4am EST?

The host servers are located in Florida, so I hope one of those fires down there hasn't caused any issues. You can't even bring up their own webpage currently.
Finally got in to submit a support ticket.

If I had a T1 line running into the house I'd just host our stuff...unfortunately that costs WAY to much. =(


I apologize for the inconvenience. Earlier this morning our Datacenter experienced network issues related to the power in one of the segments of the DC. All of our NOC staff is working on this issue and we are in the final stages of getting everything back up and running as soon as possible.

Although many of our clients have reported sites coming back up, we realize that there are still servers down and we are working very hard in getting those affected servers back up and running. You can view the latest updates via the following Forum Thread:

Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience and greatly appreciate your patience.


Senior Analyst, Office

So give it a few. It could be back up at any moment...or in a couple hours. OUt of my hands unfortunately.
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