Is this esb helmet accurate?

Baba Fett

New Hunter
I'm pretty new to this scene and know you guys are much more I guess fine tuned on these details. So I was wondering if this helmet is accurate and would be 501st approved.
The claw scratch on the dome above right eye is incorrect. The silver damage around the left eye and in the black mandible is ... too much so ... incorrect.
And thanks guys for your feedback, I just seen this helmet for sale on esty and was wondering if it truly is accurate. With that being said is their a person/place I could buy a helmet that's finished as in painted already, and accurate? If anything I could try it myself but I rather have options.
Honestly, if you got a helmet painted exactly like this one (?), it is likely approvable. The paint leaves a lot to desire for us old nit picky dudes, but at the end of the day, I'd deem it "Passable," with a D+/C- grade paint.
The issue with these "types," of venders is that they're just trying to finish these fast and push them out the door, so *your* helmet may not look as good (and likely will not) as the one pictured. My best advice for buying a finished helmet is just to watch the Cargo Hold here for a member selling an old helmet. It'll likely be more expensive than an Etsy helmet, but you'll get what you pay for!
The shape isn't accurate, the colors aren't accurate and the paint job is from an amateur. If you're not looking for an accurate helmet this would be fine.
Okay guys now I'm leaning more towards doing it myself based on the feedback. With that being said, who's the best person to get a helmet from? What is it called a raw casting?
Depending your budget and where you’re located there are a few options. I’m biased towards @Wasted Fett’s FPH2 castings which are the most accurate to ESB you’re going to find.
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