Gloves Introducing Boba gloves Version 2 Revision 2

Mike M.

Well-Known Hunter
Community Staff
Since I began offering Boba gloves in 2011, I have been constantly tweaking them to create the most visually accurate glove i can produce. I started by testing out pre-made gloves, that i sourced online. They had a strange shape, and were very cheaply made. So I drafted my own pattern, it was a simple one cut pattern that would be folded over and sewn then the thumb was stitched in. I didn't have a source for accurate tackle twill at the time, so i had to make the pads for the back of the hands out of a less than desired material. Also, the patterns for the pads were undersized and didn't always turn out as uniformly as I would have liked. The first revision of the original glove was to create a pattern for the pads that I continue to use. As well, i used two different colors of fabric for ESB and ROTJ versions. The second revision was to switch to a white fabric and dye the gloves to the appropriate color, which was the process used to create the grey ESB gloves (I believe the ROTJ gloves were reused from ESB, but due to poor storage between films they bleached out a bit and were therefore a lighter shade). I finally sourced tackle twill and began using it for the pads as I went back and redid the base pattern for the glove.

Changing the pattern of the base glove was enough of a change to consider them version 2 gloves sometime in 2013 I believe. I have continued to tweak the gloves here and there ever since, at least enough to consider two revisions. The first being to add an accurate button and button hole to just above the cuff. Second is the cuff itself; I've changed the cuff pattern to make it a approximately 12 inches from end to end, flipped the cuff inside out for a more professional finish, and added an extra line of stitching along the length of the cuff, making the attachment to the glove stronger and cleaner looking.

In addition to the intended revisions to the gloves, my own skill with a sewing machine has improved, increasing the overall quality of the final product. Most of the recently produced gloves have incorporated many of these changes, and from this point all gloves produced in the the foreseeable future will include them.

Here's a brief visual tour of the V2R2 Boba glove.


The base glove cut out with thumbs and gussets.


The first thing is the sew the thumbs in opposite directions to create a left and right side.



Next is to attach the gussets to the hand, making sure to flip one glove opposite to ensure left and right. The hand is flipped onto the gussets and closed so when it is finished being sewn it will be inside out.



The thumbs are sewn in, with attention to their placement so the seams fall correctly. Also, the wrists have been split to accurately recreate the split found in the original parade gloves.


The cuffs and the interfacing cut out ready to be sewn.


Cuffs sewn and flipped, ready to be attached to the glove.


The cuff attached and the split serged.



Details of the stitching and attachment of the cuff to the glove, as well as one final change to the gloves: an identification tag with care instructions printed on the other side.


An example of the pads, hand stitched to the glove.


Examples of finished gloves in both ESB and ROTJ.

I had the opportunity last April to present both Daniel Logan and Jeremy Bulloch each a pair. While Daniel does not have a costume, he was excited to receive his first piece of Boba from a TDH member; and Jeremy was pleased as well, since the gloves that were included in the JB Project armor in 2008 were beginning to fall apart.

if you're interested in ordering a pair of gloves keep an eye on this thread ( for updates on availability, or feel free to send me a pm.
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just out of curiosity, would anyone be interested if these were touchscreen compatible? at least in the index fingertips so you could use your phone without having to remove the gloves?
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"At first you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention"

I am interested in this.. if there is a way you can do it to not make it look obvious or hidden in pictures, that would be awesome.
it would be a simple matter of hand stitching a crosshatch of conductive thread into the fingertip. the only problem with this idea is that i don't currently have conductive thread.
These look great man. I would love to grab a set. I currently have some MOW gloves but haven't really trooped in them. The big difference I need is that level 2 CRL button. Maybe I'll see if I can add it myself. We'll see how it goes and if they fall apart, you're the man to call :)
Just recieved my new gloves and they are really amazing the craftsmanship and quality are superb.So happy with these ROTJ gloves thank u saint_nasty.Now if I can get Darth Voorhees to weather these Id be set. Lol Unfortuantly for me he's done taking commissions :(

Just recieved my new gloves and they are really amazing the craftsmanship and quality are superb.So happy with these ROTJ gloves thank u saint_nasty.Now if I can get Darth Voorhees to weather these Id be set. Lol Unfortuantly for me he's done taking commissions :(

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Not that much dirt needed on these guys. Should be able to look at some ref pics and do it by hand. Some well dispersed acrylic or even some good ol charcoal rubbed on appropriately should do it.
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