Hello from London


New Hunter
Hello there! I've been lurking here for several months now, but thought it was about time to post!

The first time I heard of Boba Fett was when a friend brought the POTF2 action figure into school when I was 6 (misidentified as 'Boby' Fett by us kids at the time). My first experience of watching Star Wars was when the special editions came to the cinema in 1997 and after the original trilogy Boba was in my top 3 characters (along with Wedge and Admiral Piett). Fast forward 13 years and in my youthful foolishness (before I knew any better) I bought a full ROTJ Fett off ebay which has sat on a mannequin in my room for several years. Now that I'm older and wiser I'm looking forward to going further through all the great threads here, seeing all the amazing work, enjoying other people's projects and learning from some cool and very talented people. Nice to meet you all!
Welcome! What happened to the ebay fett? Maybe something is useful if you go for a screen accurate rotj Boba...
Hi! He's been taken down as I sold the mannequin and now is mostly packed up in a box. I think in all likelihood I'll try and offload it and re-invest in some better quality stuff. Out of what's there, I think some of the soft parts like the flightsuit, the vest and the belts are good, but then some parts of the armour (especially the cod and kneepads) are quite thin and have some cracks in them. The helmet is pretty nice, though could do with a better paint job. I would guess it one of the many variants that derived from the mystery helmet as it's quite large.

I'll start a thread in the costume section maybe and post some old pics. Maybe someone will be able to identify some of the parts.
Thanks for the welcome everybody! I look forward to looking through yours tool.

Unfortunately I sold off the mannequin a few months ago and boxed up Boba at my parents house (no space in my small flat unfortunately). I'll post a couple of pics my wife took while I was wearing it.
For me that was such an innocent age - before having actually watched the films or read any of the companion books or anything. We used to play Star Wars in the playground at school but with only a vague idea of what it was actually about. C-3PO (aka 'Big Gold Robot' at the time) wasn't a protocol droid but a war robot twice the size of a normal human, Han Solo was an X-wing pilot, and R2-D2 flew the Falcon. I remember when someone brought in their Boba Fett action figure and something like 'this is Boby Fett' one of the other kids said 'Who the hell's a Boby Fett?!' which still makes me laugh.

I'll try posting some pics today.
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