

Jr Hunter
Greetings and Happy new year!

currently working on a process to build a ROTJ since last December.

and man it was tought even just getting all the supplies from everywhere! I bet a lot of bounty hunters here agrees to that : )

Hoping to finish the whole job before feburary!


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Welcome Dain, and Happy New Year to you too! You are correct, it is pretty tough to get everything from everywhere and to afford all the
pieces from quality sellers. I guess when you're finished you could say your Boba is a International Bounty Hunter ?
Anyway, good luck on your build, it must be coming along very quickly for you to finish up in February?
Post some pictures when you can...
Welcome Dain, and Happy New Year to you too! You are correct, it is pretty tough to get everything from everywhere and to afford all the
pieces from quality sellers. I guess when you're finished you could say your Boba is a International Bounty Hunter ?
Anyway, good luck on your build, it must be coming along very quickly for you to finish up in February?
Post some pictures when you can...
I will ! Thank you for your warm welcome!

Just a bit of advice & Im not trying to sound like a mod wanna-be.....dont spam threads with single characters to get to 50 post... especially on threads that obviously dead from over 11 years ago. You're not being sneaky.

At least contribute, and ask questions to learn the Fett suit. This is a learning experience you have to commit to

Just a bit of advice & Im not trying to sound like a mod wanna-be.....dont spam threads with single characters to get to 50 post... especially on threads that obviously dead from over 11 years ago. You're not being sneaky.

At least contribute, and ask questions to learn the Fett suit. This is a learning experience you have to commit to

Thank you for your advice!

I do apologize if I looked that way : (

I will do no such thing anymore and will slowly gain my access to whatever I need to know.

Thank you!
Thank you for your advice!

I do apologize if I looked that way : (

I will do no such thing anymore and will slowly gain my access to whatever I need to know.

Thank you!

No worries, just trying to save you from trouble.

Like rnbuda said, start up a Work in Progress once you start collecting serves as a good visual to aid in advice giving & atleast for me, a good way to keep a check list
I’m a new member as well!

MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU while on your journey. You’ll finds so many wise, talented, and helpful members here.

I got to visit Seoul last year. Are you in the Seoul area? Are you already part of a local 501st garrison?
So cool to see how global Boba Fetts can be ^_^
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