ESB or ROTJ Fett


Active Hunter
Is there an accurate side by side comparison of the ESB vs the ROTJ Fett somewhere? I have done a search but maybe I'm searching wrong? Any help would be appreciated.

I've found that FP Armor's site has pretty good pictures of the three different Fetts (ESB, RotJ, SE). Here's the link to his Boba page: FP Armor Presents : Boba Fett You can click on one of the Fetts to see a more detailed picture.

EDIT: I suppose it is worth noting that (as far as I can tell) these are not images from the film. That said, they seem quite accurate to me.
Check the gallery that's attached to this site. It provides hundreds of photos on all the different Boba's on and off screen. Def. a great source.
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