ESB correct sidearm interest topic

ok, so it looks like there is enough interest,...
gonna loan mojo my stuff so he can get going on making his moulds, and whatever he needs to do to come up with nice copies. it is up to mojo to determine a price, so stay tuned for the next update.
ok, so it looks like there is enough interest,...
gonna loan mojo my stuff so he can get going on making his moulds, and whatever he needs to do to come up with nice copies. it is up to mojo to determine a price, so stay tuned for the next update.

sounds great V... I think this will be one of the next best "must haves" out there.

good luck.:thumbsup:
I'm glad this is a go... (not that I had any doubt)
I shall update this thread as and when I get the parts and progress is made on the various parts. ;)
Will the product your offering, have the holes & grip filled??

Hey bud, the base of the grip will probably be open as I wanna cast it just like the original and will keep weight down too.
The holes, I assume you're referring to the small ones at the trigger guard? these will be filled.
My advice on casting…. For whatever it’s worth is to cast the gun as close to the unaltered speargun as possible… oh and while hyperfirm would be cool for trooping, those of us that are more of collectors, I’d prefer resin, that way I can clean the mold lines, etc easily.
My advice on casting…. For whatever it’s worth is to cast the gun as close to the unaltered speargun as possible… oh and while hyperfirm would be cool for trooping, those of us that are more of collectors, I’d prefer resin, that way I can clean the mold lines, etc easily.

This is my plan... with some extras ;)
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