ESB Boba Fett Belt


New Hunter
Hey team!
While starting to build my own ESB Boba I realized that I nearly would have missed some interesting experiences if I had not signed up here today.
So hello everybody!

The first thing I want to come up with here is the Boba Fett belt wearing all the pouches.
Can anyone tell me where to get one of these? It doesn't need to be absolutely screen accurate but the more the better. ;-)
Somewhere in Europe would be perfect. I found one on Amazon but in my eyes it doesn't quite match with any version of Boba's belt.

Thank you all for your answers! All the best from Germany,

Hey team!
While starting to build my own ESB Boba I realized that I nearly would have missed some interesting experiences if I had not signed up here today.
So hello everybody!

The first thing I want to come up with here is the Boba Fett belt wearing all the pouches.
Can anyone tell me where to get one of these? It doesn't need to be absolutely screen accurate but the more the better. ;-)
Somewhere in Europe would be perfect. I found one on Amazon but in my eyes it doesn't quite match with any version of Boba's belt.

Thank you all for your answers! All the best from Germany,

Handmadehorrorshop on Etsy (US based) makes good ammo belts. Made from vinyl like the screen used belts.
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Handmadehorrorshop on Etsy is pretty nice I enjoy mine a lot and for the price it’s not bad also if you plan on going 501st they will work with you!
I can recommend Delta Mike also.
He is a friendly Guy with a fast and helpfull communication.
I bought my ESB belt from him and it is worth the money.

Best regards
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