Custom Boba Fett Gonk (Yes, a Gonk!)


Hi Guys,

After viewing the Gonk Fever thread on, I was inspired to create my own Gonk out of some left over parts from my other projects. I had a few extra things lying around from my Fett build as well as some really old electronic stuff that I could repurpose. Anyway, for once I actually took some pics along the way I thought I would share.

So here goes...

This baby has all the fixings! He has a rocket launcher with an LED system that Fett can use for an airstrike, rangefinder, active USB ports for charging your stuff, an integrated iPhone for playing music/videos/Gonk sounds, an eye that doubles as a Bluetooth speaker, and he's hinged at the back to store stuff! He's painted in a traditional Fett paint scheme complete with kill stripes, Boba style feet complete with spikes, hand painted Mythosaur, and battle damage over a Tamiya Field Gray TS-78 color base. All of his electronics and LEDs are powered by a USB Hub running on 5 volts that I spliced into a mongo 220 oven plug; clunky but not gonna burn the house down. He's a power droid with a purpose! (And did I mention that he has a cool rocket?!?!? lol)

His body is comprised of 3 semi clear plastic Sterilite bins. 2 of them make up the body and the 3rd is angle cut as a liner for the storage bin. His support frame is made of PVC board sourced from Lowes, as well as 3" PVC pipe for the legs, couplers built into the feet, and I used 3"-1 1/2" step down couplers recessed into a PVC board mounted on a slight tilt within the lower bin. The PVC makes him nice and solid at the base, so he doesn't tend to tip back. I also added 12 lbs. counter weight to the front so he's nice and solid when you open the lid.

His greeblies came from an old phone line RCA modem hopper from 1998, an Xbox 360 HD DVD drive, and various tupperware I stole from my wife. The iPhone is an old 3G that I had in a drawer with a speaker I grabbed on Amazon. His belt is a neoprene garage door gasket and the hinge system is a basic cabinet hinge fashioned to a PVC board support system. I used a 3' toilet bowl gasket on his ankles to cover the bondo work I did to seal the top of his feet. The silver caps on the small pods are from Starbucks K Cups. It's a secondary filter I stumbled across when I took one apart for kicks. The range finder and the red recessed iPhone pod are an outdoor electrical gang box (the rangefinder is the lid and the pod is the frame). His antenna system is an old Wi-Fi card.

Here's a link to the RPF thread with detailed build pics if you wanna see his innards. LOL Custom Boba Gonk!

All in all, I think he turned out pretty good and I hope you like it.

- Warpcell
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It's a rather simple build. I have about $170 USD in it if you don't count original cost of the spare junk I had stashed away. He's mostly plastic and paint. He was really fun to build because I kept thinking about what I was going to add next. I was careful not to over do it, eventually going for a tighter look. My original idea was to have wires all over the place, but I settled on the self contained recessed stuff.

Good luck! Would love to see you project if you decide to build one.

- Warpcell
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