Calling all HOCKEY fans!!!

BIG GAME TONIGHT. I have to keep the faith. The Chicago players/fans have made a huge mistake in riling up Pronger, you have now awoken the beast. Montreal made the same mistake(going after Briere in the final seconds), after winning 5-1 a game last round. The flyers came back and smoked them 3-0 and physically abused them. The Hawks WILL be physically punished tonight in their own end, and in the neutral zone. Byufglien will pay tonight for his sawgger during a 3 goal lead.

Going back to my predection of a Flyers-Habs Conference final over a month ago, I will stick my neck out and possibly look like an idiot. They've not let me down all season, I will go out on a limb to predict a game 7. Bring it home Fly boys.....
Well, it's not the 1st time I've looked like an idiot and it won't be the last!!

Congrats to the Hawks, they were the better team and earned a tough victory and deserve the spoils.
Amazing playoff run for the Flyers. Shame to go out on such a garbage goal but hey, if you are Flyers fan like I am, you get used to crummy goaltending.

Should be interesting next season to see if philly goes after a top tier goalie like Turko or someone else, but what might be more interesting is the cost of this cup on Chicago, as their cap space is maxed out and they will have to unload a good portion of there cup winning team to retain there super stars.
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