Bubba Fett - New TDH Promotions and PR Officer

Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
Please help me congratulate Bubba Fett as he takes on a very difficult position here at TDH. As I mentioned a short time ago, in an effort to continue to bring new blood and talent to this board, we are assigning Bubba Fett the responsibility of getting our name out to the world. Having talked with John a good bit, I am very excited about a number of his ideas and can't wait to see them implemented!

can't wait to see these new ideas

Yeah me too! :D

Thanks for the congrats everyone. I hope to do the board proud!

In a previous post of mine I mentioned many of the reasons that I like this board so much. I think that TDH is a terrific community, the best of any of the boards I have been on. The sense of camaraderie here is tremendous. I hope that I can add some value and help build the community even further by creating a greater awareness of the board and what we do.

The Dent and I have spoken a few times now and are exploring a number of things that can be done to get broader exposure for TDH. I am hopeful that my previous life in design and advertising will help, but I would like to get suggestions from some of you as well. I can't promise we'll do all of them of course, but it's still good to get as many ideas as possible.

I'll soon be posting a few ideas that The Dent and I have discussed. We may need a little bit of your help to get them done. In the meantime, however, I am just glad to step up my role on the board and put back a little into the community that my son and I have enjoyed so much. :cheers

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