Brak's and Mirax's Screen Used Hoplite from 300

Star Wars Chick

Sr Hunter
While there are a number of replicas floating around, this is a complete SCREEN USED Spartan Hoplite costume from the movie 300. There were only approximately 15 of these costumes released from Warner Brothers to the Propstore of London and only 10 had swords. We were blessed enough to get one complete, with sword. We also were VERY blessed to be able to screen match both our helmet and shield from the final battle in 300. As you can see from the pics, we are working on a website ( to show this costume off. Hopefully it will be up in a few weeks and will include all the info we have on the costume as well as pics of each piece. If any of you are interested in attaining one of these magnificent pieces for yourself, Brandon Alinger is your man. We can't speak highly enough of his professionalism and customer service in helping us add this piece to our collection. He endured 4 hours of Brak's and I looking over all the different pieces he had in LA to hand pick the ones we wanted, me making Brak's try on several pieces, holding this shield next to this shield, etc. We had an awesome time and are so excited to finally get the chance to show this bad boy off!

Note: The only piece on this costume that is not SU are the broken arrow pieces in the shield. Brak's couldn't help from adding replicas into the SU arrow holes...

So happy for you guys...about time you made this public..:thumbsup:
I'm so Jealous....:thumbsup:

I noticed allot of the colors on the armor have more of a brownish hue to it..??
and is that blood real??:lol:

Unfortunately the pieces were mixed and matched and there was not a complete suit from one person, so we just picked the pieces we liked best and went with those.

Here are a couple of caps of the helmet and shield.








WOW !!!! :eek:

That is AMAZING !!!!! :thumbsup:

What a beautiful set to add to your collection. Popularity for this movie is gaining momentum long after the fact, which is a sure sign that it is sure to become a cult classic, and to have been able to cherry pick your parts from only 15 sets released is even more amazing !! I would love to see these pieces in person someday. Did you realize that you were getting such high exposure pieces (close-up screen time) at the time you were making your choices? Or did you pick what you thought looked the best and find out later that they were practically "hero" pieces ?? That is AWESOME !!!!

What are the odds that Brandon Alinger has enough pieces from what is left to make another complete setup? I a VERY interested in this - seriously. PM on it's way !

Congrats you guys ... GREAT STUFF !!!

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*soils self*:eek:

EDIT - P.S. - When I gave you my half of the funds....I was in the understanding I'd get my name in the topic's title too! :lol:
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The cape does not have a hood...those are just the folds in the back that give it that very draped look but it is not like a Jedi robe.

The funny thing is, before we went out I told Brak's that I wanted to get pieces that we could see on screen and asked if they had been able to ID any of the pieces on screen. Brandon said they had tried but because there was so much done to this movie in post production, they had not been able to do so. So when we went out there we just simply went for what we liked. But I knew Brak's would be looking to see if he could find anything as soon as we got home and within about 5 minutes of looking he found the shield. We were both shocked because we really did not expect to find anything as there are not many closeups of anyone but the principal characters. We also chose pieces for a friend of ours and have tried to find her pieces but have been unable to do so. So finding both the helmet and the shield was completely unexpected and truly the icing on the cake.
I am always amazed when I see things like this! :thumbsup: Absolutely awesome. A few questions:

1. When will be up?

2. Has anyone been able to get their hands on any of the Immortals' costumes/props/masks?

3. Are the Immortals masks silver, gold or what color?

Awesome acquisition! :cheers
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