BobaMaker Helmet Wavy Brow?


New Hunter
So looking at the BobaMaker helmet here and wishing I had 300 bucks to drop on it...

And the attached picture as well. You see the wavy brow thing going on. I don't doubt the screen accuracy although I've never noticed it. I just haven't seen anyone else incorporate the curve on their helmets at all.

Why? Is this just a matter of easy construction? Forum search really didn't pull up much that I noticed, this was the closest I've found.

Bobamaker helmet

I'm seriously curious about the wavy brow...

So looking at the BobaMaker helmet here and wishing I had 300 bucks to drop on it...

That $300 is just the helmet, NOT including the paint job...

Here's a shot of my BM, you can see it there as well. As for the wavy brow, If DAZ says it's there, then it is. :cheers

If you have the cash, and can get your hands on a BM I would HIGHLY recomend it!!

The wavy brow was an imperfection in the screen used molds. To be screen accurate, many makers now include the wavy brow, BM isn't the only one, just got to keep your eye out.
My Terminal Fettler helmet has also a wavy brow... I am pretty sure that if Bobamaker and TF made their helmets with wavy brow that's because the real one has it!! ;)
AFAIK, it's a defect in the ESB helmet, and not present in other versions. i'm not really an ESB fan so i don't know much about it myself, only that the Jedi one is straight :)
Well, it's not in the ESB helmet (1980), You can see it on the SE Fett (AoSW).

Or this is what I think :facepalm
Man i would kill for a FPH.... Think of it this way your going to put 40+ hours in the helmet.... 250-300 inst that bad.
Considering all the time and effort you put in... you may want to consider a Sgt fang.
So wait, RotJ Fett doesn't have the wave?

Please don't say that's true, I seriously want a BobaMaker setup but really only want it if it's for Return honestly.

I don't doubt his accuracy, I was curious as to what was up with it and where it was in the on screen use.

Thanks all for the information!
just take a look at some photos of the screen used ones and make your own choice :)

i've never seen an rotj image with a wavy brow. doesn't mean it doesn't exist, but i've never encountered it.
Is that wavy brow a repair on the ESB from the helmet being dropped? It cracked or fractured there and thats how the repair came out? What we see on screen?
So wait, RotJ Fett doesn't have the wave?

Please don't say that's true, I seriously want a BobaMaker setup but really only want it if it's for Return honestly.

I don't doubt his accuracy, I was curious as to what was up with it and where it was in the on screen use.

Thanks all for the information!

With a little sanding and a bit of filler you can easily remove the warp in the brow for ROTJ accuracy...
With a little sanding and a bit of filler you can easily remove the warp in the brow for ROTJ accuracy...

How hard would it be to fix? Other than some putty experience with models and plastic minis I've never done something that big.

Seeing how it's a few hundred dollars I'd be very afraid. I trust my painting skills but not so much my shape altering...
I have BM bucket and it's well worth the $300. I'm not too familiar with all the "this one has a wave and this one doesn't" stuff but if you want a great helmet - Bm's the way to go. Personally, I like the wave - makes it look more personal. Just my opinion!
Guys you need to put things in perspective here. The people that see us at events will probably never notice the wavey brow. I have a BM bucket painted up in RoTJ, it has the wavy brow. I could care less if ESB had the wavey brow and RoTJ didn't. Its a great bucket. I would not alter /mod it just for that.
Guys you need to put things in perspective here. The people that see us at events will probably never notice the wavey brow. I have a BM bucket painted up in RoTJ, it has the wavy brow. I could care less if ESB had the wavey brow and RoTJ didn't. Its a great bucket. I would not alter /mod it just for that.

I agree :)

It depends on how far you want to go for screen accuaracy. The general public will not notice.

Personally I have saved my TF lid (with wavey brow) for my ESB, and my mystery lid (without wave brow) I am doing as ROTJ. However this is just me and no one else at my Starwars club even notices the difference (Fett Sniper excluded :) )
Guys you need to put things in perspective here. The people that see us at events will probably never notice the wavey brow. I have a BM bucket painted up in RoTJ, it has the wavy brow. I could care less if ESB had the wavey brow and RoTJ didn't. Its a great bucket. I would not alter /mod it just for that.

That's all a matter of perspective :)

If I'm spending hundreds of dollars and hundreds of hours, I want to make sure that I get as close as I can. Something like that is a pretty easy detail to get right, in the grand scheme of things.

But to each his/her own!
That's all a matter of perspective :)

If I'm spending hundreds of dollars and hundreds of hours, I want to make sure that I get as close as I can. Something like that is a pretty easy detail to get right, in the grand scheme of things.

But to each his/her own!

I understand what you are saying Brian and I 99% agree. I just would not alter a BM bucket or not get one just because of such a minor thing. ;)
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