Boba Fett Helmet Blueprints/Templates

What´s that, Chris?
A TDH-cake?:thumbsup:

Most of the colour is airbrushed.
Only the very small parts are paintbrushed incl. the killstripes.
The little scratches are scratched
I used following colours:

1790E Chrome silver FS17178 - primer and bare metal
2097 Panzer olivegreen RLM 83 - dome and cheeks
2737E grey primer - grey around scratches
2009 British crimson - mandibles
2063 RAF trainer yellow - killstripes
1583E Rubber flat - upper cheeks
1742 Dark tan - back of helmet
2083 green RLM 73 - main colour of the backside
Magnesium Metalizer - other bare metal on mandibles
flat clear finish

84 leather brown RAL8024 - spots on mandibles

That´s all so far.
The earcaps and RF are in processing.

So I just started my bucket, and it's my first. I figure I'd do a scratch built before I start a good one. I am running into a problem though. This may sound like a dumb question, but what is the inner surface pieces used for?

Hello to TDH, Temp!
but what is the inner surface pieces used for?

The inner surface goes complete around the helmet and is plane with the dome.
The outer surface exists only out of the mandibles, the side(ear-)parts and the small stripe.

Hope this will answer your question.


To those who have used, or plan to use, a skater helmet for your dome... I'm sure many of you know this already, but maybe a newbie might find it interesting. I compared this profile pic of a skater lid

to a cutout of the dome profile elevation from WOF's templates and it is spot on! As for size.... dunno, because I don't own one, but the size can be adjusted just like with the batting helmet at the begining of this thread.
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I picked up a skater helmet for mine. The only thing that I've noticed from using the templates is that it didn't fit all the way around the helmet, but that shouldn't be a problem to fix.

So I started on my scratch built, and I'm wondering if you guys can tell me how I'm doing. This is my first attempt, and It doesn't need to be perfect, I just want to practice painting for when I get a good helmet.

I'm using some thin cardboard, and a hot glue gun. I've already run into problems causing small gaps (like in the cheek) but I figure once I fiberglass it, It won't be a problem. anyways, here are some pictures.



Good start Temp...
If your havin probs with gaps in the cheek parts, then try cutting the outer cheek part into three sections, helped me form it better? :thumbsup:
I think this is a great looking template, but it seems a little small to wear when I print it out. Is this made for smaller heads or something?
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Nice Job!! I am having some problems when assembling the form. When I assemle it, the material doesn't form right, it makes more of a point than a curve:confused. I am not sure if it is just the material that I am using, posterboard, is too thick, or I am not fastening it properly at the joints, or some other reason. It would be great if you could help me out! Again, Nice job!!!!
What exactly are you having the issues with FETTMAN? If you give us a more detailed description, then perhaps we'll be able to help you better.
I think he means when he tries to make the curve of the overall helmet, it creases instead of making a natural curve. I'm guessing that is because the material you are using is to hard, or thick.

I don't know if I can explain this right, but I'll try. Try cutting small vertical slits in the material with an X-acto blade, so the material can give a bit instead of creasing. Either that, or use a different material.
If his material is creasing when making the main part of the helmet, I can only think that he's using some type of corrugated material. My helmet ( the one I'm using for an avatar ) is made from 1.5mm thick plastic card, and it didn't kink or fold.

Guys, I have been away for a while working on other projects. You guys have been busy. There are some great looking helmets being built. I know that folks have been looking for a tutorial on how to use these templates. I can asure you that it is on my list of things to do, but it is going to be a while before I have the time to devote to a full tutorial. Please don't hesitate to ask questions I'll do the best I can to answer them.

I think this is a great looking template, but it seems a little small to wear when I print it out. Is this made for smaller heads or something?

These templates are sized to match the studio helmet, for myself I had to scale them up by about 10% to fit my big noggin. Scale it up by 10% brings it up to the size of the Mystery helmet, which is consider to be a bit on the big size by most.

Keep up th great work guys!!

Hey, Alan...mucho thanks for what you've done so're dedication to the hobby is unmatched. :thumbsup: Don't sweat the tutorial...a few of us have got our own builds and how-to's going, and with the plethora of photo-threads posted and the help available from the fine folks here at TDH and over at the MMCC, that should be enough coverage to show most folks how to use the templates!:)
I'm more than willing to guide people through constructing one of your helmets, so don't worry too much about writing up a tutorial.

I'm still working on a cardboard version for my son, and it just so happens that I'm at the "making of the ears stage". I'll try to be more diligent and snap pictures as I go.
Thanks guys. I keep refering folks back to the great work you all have been doing. As much as I would like to do a tutorial I just can't seem to find any spare time lately. I haven't even had the chance to work on my own Fett project.

Working on the Fett templates has nearly burned me out. So you might not see me around for a while. I'll continue to answer questions, but it might take a few days for me to get back to you.

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