Australian Jango Progress


Active Hunter
First up, thanks to all here at TDH for their knowledge & the rabid attention to detail required to put together a decent Jango.
I'm in your debt.

For the past few years I've been collecting some great Jango items thanks to TDH.
I have nearly all the soft parts, and all the armor except for chest armor (I suspect BKBT's chest armor will be worth the wait).
On that topic, after much filling, sanding and failed Rub'n Buff attempts, my BKBT Jango bucket is ready to paint.

I have installed (and slightly modified) the Rangefinder electronics and have hollowed out my aluminum RF stalk for the wiring.

I have also been doing prep-work on an arena Jet Pack, great product, but lots of bubbles to deal with.

It's almost ready.

For fun, here is a pic of a nice set of Jango blasters I got a few years ago, anyone here know the maker?
They look fantastic & have solid metal grips giving them a nice balance. Here is a pic of the grips being made.

Once the Chest Armor arrives & is ready I'll post a few pics of the finished item.
As always, all feedback is welcome...








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WOOT, go aussies!
watch out america, we are coming up to take the lead in greatness very quickly( if not already, hehe)

awsome job cap'n, look forward to seeing progress. Maybe i missed it in the first post, but where did the bucket come from? looks awsome
The bucket is from the 2nd run of the BKBT Jango. It has a few slight differences to the first, mostly in the 'cheek' thickness & earcaps.
And it came with that sweet metal RF stalk!
Also, most here would know, BKBT is a pleasure to deal with.

As for the other items I have....
Boots - Reinone, excellent reproduction boots.
Jumpsuit - Bobamaker (Jango style)
Boot, shin, Thigh, Cod & Back armor - JD
Knee Armor - BKBT / Purchased from Asok
Leather Girth Belt - Unknown Maker/Purchased from Shunned
Ammo Belt & Holsters - Unknown Maker/Purchased from Shunned
Dark gray leather Flack Vest - Unknown Maker/Purchased from Slave Five.
Gauntlets - Man of War, 2006 run.
Metal Details - Dark Side & Russ Replica
All Metal Blasters - Unknown Maker
RF electronics - Hyperdine Labs
Interior Helmet Kit - Marrow Sun
Arena Jet Pack - MLC
Jet Pack Harness - I think BKBT
Chest armor - Hopefully BKBT
Jango neck seal - Not yet.

And now, more blaster shots!




The bucket is from the 2nd run of the BKBT Jango. It has a few slight differences to the first, mostly in the 'cheek' thickness & earcaps.
And it came with that sweet metal RF stalk!
Also, most here would know, BKBT is a pleasure to deal with.

As for the other items I have....
Boots - Reinone, excellent reproduction boots.
Jumpsuit - Bobamaker (Jango style)
Boot, shin, Thigh, Cod & Back armor - JD
Knee Armor - BKBT / Purchased from Asok
Leather Girth Belt - Unknown Maker/Purchased from Shunned
Ammo Belt & Holsters - Unknown Maker/Purchased from Shunned
Dark gray leather Flack Vest - Unknown Maker/Purchased from Slave Five.
Gauntlets - Man of War, 2006 run.
Metal Details - Dark Side & Russ Replica
All Metal Blasters - Unknown Maker
RF electronics - Hyperdine Labs
Interior Helmet Kit - Marrow Sun
Arena Jet Pack - MLC
Jet Pack Harness - I think BKBT
Chest armor - Hopefully BKBT
Jango neck seal - Not yet.

And now, more blaster shots!

:eek: :love :eek: :love HOLY HOTNESS BATMAN!
Dude they are some ultra sweet pistols, even more so becasue they break down... if you ever find who did these please let me know, i am after these pistols now like a moth to a flame....
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The Blasters were from an e-bay seller named Roger, about 3 or 4 years ago. He claimed that only 3 sets were going to be made.
And they were very expensive....
Anyway, I finally found his contact info, so you got a PM.


Thanks GCNgamer, I was inspired to drill-out the RF stalk after I saw it done here recently.
All it takes is a long drill bit & a steady hand.

Speaking of's where I'm at.

I have modified my BM hollow raingfinder to give it a more Jango look, extending & thickening the lower screen housing.

I have slightly modified the Hyperdine Labs RF board. It controls the RF servo & provides 2 blinking circuits for the LEDs. But I also want to include the white backlight for the RF screen. Here is a demo pic (from my BOBA) of the image I'm going to put into the RF screen, made in Photoshop. Any suggestions of who to put in the pics? Mace, Obi Wan, Winona Ryder...

So I set 3 white LEDs inside the RF with a tilt switch (2nd Pic)

On the RF board (3rd pic) I have gone against the provided instructions & done the following:
The 2 blinking LEDs & 3 White LEDs all share a common negative (White Wire).
The 2 Blue LEDs have a Positive each (Blue wires).
The white LEDs are powered from the Radio unit power output pin with a resistor to drop the voltage. I have let this set-up run for 30 minutes and had no problems. All 4 required wires fit in the hollow stalk.

I have sealed the RF & will give it one more coat of primer before a final sanding. I hate the look of a RF top that looks like it opens & have gone to much effort to seal it good. The blue LEDs slip in from underneath & have been set & glued together to sit correctly when inserted (see pics). Adding the LEDs after painting gives a nice finish.
Anyone done it like this before? I suspect someone here has.


RF int.jpg





Here are a couple Jango RF images I did today.
I will replace the english words with symbols when I like what I have.
The plan is to take a few slides (REMEMBER FILM) of the comp. monitor & trim them up when processed.
Any comments / ideas / recommendations?



Sure thing CB, PM me your e-mail & I'll send you a higher rez version.

I worked on the leg armor today, it's ready for the first coat of spray putty.
Yesterday I Rub'n Buffed my boots & added the studs for the armor.

It's all coming along.



Must be time for an up-date!

I thought I might take some pics, and it started to rain about 15 seconds after I had it all laid-out.
So here's 15 seconds of fame! This is everything except by Blasters, MLC Stubby Jet Pack, Reinone Boots & JD back-plate.
The knees are still in progress, the helmet & Jet-Pack need painting (yep, still no luck) & I need a neck seal. Other than that I'm waiting for my Vest from Loanstar & replacement Jango style mini-darts for my Gauntlet from Dark Side. All the armor has a very nice finish, the pics dont do it justice, but 15 seconds......come on!

I decided to strip-back my MOW gauntlets & have another go at them. I am now Very Happy with the finish. Added all metal details & working switches to activate the Helmet Range-finder servo. Some light weathering to come...later.

Also, I (changed & then) photographed Slides of the RF pic & have installed a slide into the FR top. I haven't turned the interior lights on yet as the RF top is not connected at the moment, but it already looks cool.

So a couple items to come, find the Paints I want & Jango should be about there!

Oh, & I bought a mannequin yesterday too!


JR Jango 1.jpg

JR Jango 2.jpg

JR Jango 3.jpg

JR Jango 4.jpg

JR Jango 5.jpg

JR Jango 6.jpg

JR Jango 7.jpg

JR Jango 8.jpg

JR Jango 10.jpg
Thanks JangoUri,
I have used a Russ Replicas' Gauntlet rocket as it's slightly bigger than the DS and looks more in scale with my Man Of War Gauntlets. The Dark Side rocket is a thing of beauty, just a tad too small for my MOWs.

The left Gauntlet switches are from an Australian electronics distributor called Radio Parts. Here is a link to the switch on their web-page.

And since I'm posting....Here is the New RF Pic I have installed in my RF top!
It has a bit more play in the edges for cutting to size & shape.

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