Animefan Bucket build and paint


Active Hunter
So here it is, my new helmet, same one I reviewed recently. Ive received my FP deluxe visor from T-visor and will be beginning my prep for paint soon. I left a bit at the visor cutout area to keep the bucket from warping unit I get the visor properly mounted, hopefully this weekend, from there Ill finish some spot sanding and prep for primer. Ive learned a lot from the 3 other helmets Ive painted, the target helmet being the most recent. Ive got a new airbrush set up and plan on taking my time with this one. This will be the biggest upgrade to my SE yet. Updates will most likely be slow going but Ill post them as I make progress and take plenty of pics along the way. My biggest question now is do I mar this beautiful piece of work and add the physical damage or not? Feel free to offer any advice or words of wisdom along the way and enjoy the ride.


Well I did it, I added the physical damage to bucket. I must say it was some of the most nerve racking work Ive done on a helmet. One slip of the dremel and its over lol. Here it is, from damage, to prime to metalic silver under coat. I still have to 0000 steel wool the silver layer. Then its on to sizing my stencils. That'll probably take up a good bit of time in the future, I wont be "eh, good enough"ing this one. Enjoy!

Pretty much. I used the same cutting wheel that I used to trim the screws I mounted my visor with. Just so happened cutting the screws ground the wheel down quite a bit. So instead of tossing it I used it to cut out the physical damage.
Well I've got many of my stencils scaled, and paints laid out. I shared my scaled stencils in a new thread. Hopefully I'll have time this weekend to start laying paint on my back panels!
Here's this weekends results, didnt get quite as far as I had hoped, but progress none the less. I got most of the back panels done, the most painstaking detail in the helmet (at least for me). Now the pics dont do it justice, the camera on my phone mixed with the bad lighting in my work room really drown out the true color and detail. Ill be sure to get some better pics out doors when Im done with the back panels. All I have to do now is find a mixture of blue green Im happy with before tracing the last of stencils and finishing the back, minus the smaller details Ill add in later. I must say I am very happy with how well I was able to resize Raff's stencils. Loving this build so far. As always, comments and pointers are welcome, and enjoy.

Nice layering! Are you peeling masking fluid and re-masking between each new color? I've heard if you let it sit too long it pulls more paint off than what you wanted.
Nice layering! Are you peeling masking fluid and re-masking between each new color? I've heard if you let it sit too long it pulls more paint off than what you wanted.

No I'm not. Just adding more each layer. Trying to save time, and sanity. Hopeful I don't bite myself in the ass when I go to peel it off in the next day or so. I just finished stenciling and masking the last of the tan/concrete areas and hope to have the dark bluish green sprayed on and done by Friday. I've got my fingers crossed. I've had good results with this masking fluid in the past. We'll see how it turns out with my next update pics.
Oh happy days. just received my Fettinator range finder lights!


- - - Updated - - -

And here we go, main work on back panels done, just a few touch up here and there with a brush later on and the hardest is done.

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