An ESB ROTJ! Another Photo Found! 02-18-03

I'm going to have to watch the whole Jabba's Palace and Sail barge scenes in slow-mo. I have no doubt there have to be a couple spots w/ the ROTJ suit but an ESB helmet (my favorite combination), but I want to see an actual screen shot. The above is not an actual screen grab since Luke's saber blade is black, but was still likely from the very same raw footage.
Hey Slave 1,

It's a tough spot in the scene due to the "flash" from Luke's saber hitting Fett's backpack, but I do have a couple of caps from the scene. I'll have to post it tonight.
I just watched the skiff scene. The only thing I can find that remotely resembles Luke's lightsaber hitting Fett's pack is when Luke deflects a shot from the barge and it hits behind Fett. Luke's blade doesn't actually get close to Fett at all. Another funny thing about the whole skiff scene is that if you watch in slow motion, right as Han is swinging at the jet pack, there's a huge chunk of the jet pack missing where Han is going to hit it! Possibly a result of trying to shape the explosion that came out of the pack. Something else slightly off topic that cracks me up about that scene--keep following it in slow motion after Boba gets hit and watch the kick that Luke puts on the bad guy in front of him--he misses by a lot! :lol:
Ah jeez yeah, I noticed that kick without even going in slow motion. It took me about 17 years, but I finally did notice it. All that time I just couldn't take my eyes off Fett. But then I got curious to see which aliens were on the other skiff, and watched that and just couldn't believe it. Marquand should have known better.
How about an even closer look at this screencap

Looking at the helmet this close, I don't see the "cat's claw" mark anymore, nor do I see any indications of the right ear decal. Look at the rangefinder; two tiers, not three. The more obvious clue is the weathering, definately the RotJ helmet in this sequence. It is very possible that the stunt double wore one of the ESB stunt helmets while Jeremy wore the RotJ helmet. They had no idea that 20 years later that we'd catch it.
Hey All,

I have some pics that a friend of mine took for me
of Boba from that scene
when they were out on location in the Ca. desert.

I can scan them but dont have a space on the net to post them here .
any one able to help me with this ?

Someone mentioned the hole in Fett's jet pack in that scene. Even earlier, in the palace, as Boba's getting his mack on with the ladies, the hole is there.

Freeze frame and slow-advance through the scene as he walks away from Rystall. There you can see the hole as he passes in front of the camera.

Boba Fett 1138 wrote:

Hey All,

I have some pics that a friend of mine took for me
of Boba from that scene
when they were out on location in the Ca. desert.

I can scan them but dont have a space on the net to post them here .
any one able to help me with this ?


You can send them to me at and I'll host them for you on my server. Otherwise, I think secol_fett setup a free upload service to his server too (there's a post around here somewhere about it).
I've noticed a couple more things on the shot of him running across the barge. His left gauntlet rocket does look off. As mentioned before, there is a bit of motion blur, but to me it still doesn't look as detailed as it should. Plus, the gauntlet rocket looks really small! The right gauntlet appears taped together. More apparent if you look at the actual pic in the Chronicles. And has it occured to anyone else to wonder where he's hiding his blaster? :)

Slave1 wrote:

...And has it occured to anyone else to wonder where he's hiding his blaster? :)

His blaster had already been chopped in half by Luke at that point and was in pieces on the floor of the skiff.
Okay, I was assuming it was supposed to be a cut section from where he exits the barge and then flies over to where Luke is.

phantomfett wrote:

Another funny thing about the whole skiff scene is that if you watch in slow motion, right as Han is swinging at the jet pack, there's a huge chunk of the jet pack missing where Han is going to hit it!

PF, do you mean a "hole" like this? ;)

A couple of things ....

TD - you've made me a very happy guy :D Now We can officially say that the ESB Helmet on an ROTJ suit is Screen Accurate :thumbsup: !!!

Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong :D Albeit inly a spit second, perhaps even just a frsme or two, but it counts !! :D

As far as the Jet Pack thing goes ... I noticed this way back, and forgot to even mention it here.

I was just talking about this recently with a friend, and nearest we can come up with, is that they pre-chunked out of the pack (stunt pack) and put the pyrotechnics in for when they were ready to do the scene, because it would have been too dangerous for it to actually explode while on the actor/stunt double for a couple of reasons.

First off, blowing up models is far different from containing an enclosed explosion in such close qaurters without first getting into the engineering aspects of what the pack was made of, how combustable those materials were, as well as the trajectory of the explosion in relation to directing the explosion outward from the pack, instead of having the whole pack explode by accident because the jet pack would have been a closed container. So when they pre-chunked it out, they most likely put some kind of baffle in the hole so that the explosion wouldn't set the whole pack afire, and this allowed them to use directional explosives so they wouldn't have to worry about the closed container bottleneck.

Made sense to me ? :facepalm

They probably never took into consideration that people 25-30 yrs later would be paying that close attention ;)
Well, another thing, just to follow up on what FP was saying, there's cases all throughout the trilogy of battle damaged things being damaged before the battle! :lol: One of the best and easiest spots to see this is also on the sail barge battle, when Luke takes a blaster bolt to the hand. Watch the scene in slow motion . . . his hand actually has the metal damage shownig through before the shot even hits him. But because you're expecting it, and your eyes aren't looking there, you don't notice it.

Another good place to look is in the lightsaber battle in TESB between Luke and Vader. Right before Vader chops off Luke's hand, he chops through a railing . . . but, watch again, the railing is already chopped up.

Like FP said . . . . it's too dangerous to do stuff like that and . . . just from a logistics point of view . . . why bother! :)


P.S. All sorts of examples over at my website. The Star Wars Blooper Guide at
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