Boushh New Boushh costume WIP - Finished helmet pics added

Dang, that pull looks great. The attention to detail on this build so far is truly impressive. I'm going to be paying close attention to this.
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Thanks for the kind words guys, makes the effort worth while

Fantastic!!! how much time involved in this project?
we've been working on Boushh costumes for over 6 years, this version has been going on for about 2 years but it's getting close now. This is the first time we have (will be) producing our own helmet kits.
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Thanks for the kind words guys, makes the effort worth while

we've been working on Boushh costumes for over 6 years, this version has been going on for about 2 years but it's getting close now. This is the first time we have (will be) producing our own helmet kits.

Any chance we'll be seeing these FS in the cargo hold?
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We've been making progress on our new Clothears Boushh helmet. After having several problems with suppliers we are now almost ready for painting. We have finally received the aluminium stalk greeblies after months of chasing which look fantastic but unfortunately a couple of the other parts from two other suppliers were done to the wrong sizes so we are awaiting these being replaced and then we are ready to paint. Hooray!

Also we finally identified the last greeblie on the helmet (thanks to some help from a friend and the RPF members) and now have the correct model kit to add this part (pic below)



and here are the pics of the helmet so far






Stalk / rangefinder, we have fitted this with aluminium pipe like the original and hardware to accept the machined aluminium greeblie



Machined aluminium greeblie


Other stalk greeblies, we have cast these in grey to match the original model parts which were unpainted on the original helmet


From experience, we know that when cast in resin the piece on the far right always breaks, so this has been cast in pu rubber

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Will you be selling the full costume or will you just do kits for the "hard" parts? I am trying to find someone who is doing the belt buckle since I missed the run zhongfett/zhongvador did. And if you are selling the helmet and tanks I would jump on the bandwagon for those too. :D
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Well, it's been a long time but here is a fully built and painted helmet (this one is just waiting for it's lining) We are really pleased with the end result.









Thanks to RS Propmasters for the vac forming and Fettronics for the lights, great work guys.
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I spend most of my TDH time in the Boba Fett threads so I didn't see the new
helmet pics till just now.
Man oh man. . . that is some fantastic work! The attention to detail from the
design phase through the casting and finishing work is outstanding!
Makes me want to own a Boushh helmet of my own. :thumbsup:
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