Starting on my First Costume -Stormtrooper X

Ha ha I'll take your word for it :D thanks again.

And btw status update its raining outside so I can't paint my guns but the rifle I am using as of now is built just need to paint.
if only I had either of those hahaha just finished my blaster which is going to be a heavily modified L-23 blaster pistol and i used a broken air soft gun and some pvc pipe and even part of a plastic fork.
"Side effects may vary."

I was pretty gung-ho for a while and was updating all the time but work has been loading me with overtime so it's stalled a bit.

I promise to be back up and running shortly, though.
As usual.

Bummer man well I guess lots of work is better than no work. I'm on summer break already from college and I still got some time before my summer job starts so I am making the most of my free time!

Let me know when you do.
fine by me! well just went to goodwill found something that might work for the jacket we shall see what modifications I can make I also got a lot of leather and a blank belt to start working on the ammo belt so looks like I got some work to do!
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