My Snow Clone Scratchbuild!

I'd like to do the whole costume but probably by sourcing out soft and hard parts from elsewhere rather than build my own armor for instance.

LOL! Yeah, it's quite a distance from my house to the top os Snowdon! :)
heh - been a while since I posted publically on this build skip - my bad; keep forgetting people cant hear the words in my head (WHY WHY WHY I TELL YOU..... hear me use my brain to speak darn it!!!)

lookin very nice mate. Like the mods to the faceplate.

cowl looks good too (oops was I not meant to say taht? ;P)
Ok guys. As promised, here are the update pics of the Snow Clone!!!!!

I've give the whole thing a coat of white primer this time to try and give a better idea of how it'll look when painted up. I also used two card discs to simulate the aerators until I get those back from my buddy who's going to turn them on a lathe for me. ;) Also, the visor is black card for now, just for appearance' sake.

Don't pay too much attanetion to the bottom of the cowl. That part of the design is yet to be finalised as I've mainly been focusing on the way it fits over the snout of the face plate. I think it's looking really good. The first attempt was Ok, but I think I've nailed it now. I'm only using a bed sheet(don't tell the wife! LOL!) so I can easily make alterations along the way without wasting vinyl.

The dome and face plate are still two seperate parts, hence the masking tape holding them together for the pics. They'll also be cast this way too. ;)

I thought about just using this build as my costume lid for a while but due to the added weight from modding the dome it's rather heavy now. So, this will be going to Mojo-Fett, a buddy of mine who'll be moulding and casting it for me. We discussed gel coat followed by fibreglass. I'm really looking forward to that!!! Now, I've had a few replies and PM's asking if I'll be kitting this?? I said then that I'd like to but that I wasn't sure what would be happening but now I know it's going to be moulded and cast for my own costume, I can now say that if the interest is out there for one of these then I'll be happy to arrange extra lids to be cast. ;) It's still early days for prices but as soon as I know I'll post either here or in a new seperate interest thread. ;) I have a few ideas for a kit so it should be good.

Well, I think that's about it?? Please feel free to offer any thoughts! :)

The pics:








There's a very short vid clip here too:

Just meant to give an idea of size and movement really.

Hope you like it guys!!!
Thanks bro!! Though it's not finished yet. ;) I have Mojo working on a lathe turned aerator to mould and cast, a final pattern for the cowl using Marine vinyl, a few minor bits to fix and then see what the interest is for an actual kit!

See how it all goes. :)
I've really enjoyed reading this thread but one little thing keeps bugging me according to the reference pic it looks like the face plate should be flush with the brow of the helmet. Almost like the dome and face plate were one solid piece minus the flair in the helmet. I could be wrong. I hope that makes sense. Either way this is one awesome build.
Yeah, I thought that at first too. Though after studying various pics, and focusing on the temples you can see that the face plate isn't flush with the dome. At least, that's my interpretation. :)


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