Fun with my ESB Yoda Puppet


Active Hunter
With all the attention Cyberman and I have been getting on our Darth Maul/Ray Park head sculpt, I just wanted to show off our first collaboration. We have just started our third, and have just as high of expectations for it as well.

I was documenting some of my props for my new Web site and thought it might be a cool idea to tinker around with my yoda puppet. What good is it being a puppet if you can't have fun posing it?

It still is very much in progress. Seam lines need work, head/hands/feet need painted, robes need distressing, hand and feet nails need added, flute, belt, pouch, and new cane need to be made, etc..
Regardless, I think it looks pretty cool nonetheless. I really want to finish him up but I've just got way too many projects going on all at once. :cry

Let me know what you think.

First, the standard promo pose from the "you want the impossible" scene. Classic, but kind of boring.



A bit more interesting, one of my favorite poses, the "i was wondering, why are you here?" pose.





A bit more fun with "how you get so big eating food of this kind?"

I've seen a number of professional Yoda recreations, but yours has the best face sculpt I've ever seen. IT IS SPOT ON! Excellent. :thumbsup:
This is the best Yoda puppet I've seen:eek:... and it isn't even finished.
Bravo! :thumbsup:

When did you say the "interest thread" was going to be posted for this one????? :lol:
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One of the Jedi Order's best kept secrets was that even though Yoda was the most powerful, knowledgeable, wise, and respectable of the Jedi, he was also known to secretly raid the cat box and indulge himself. As seen here, caught on the security camera....

Are you going to make his little snake that always got lost with the action figures? Y'know, the one that wrapped around his shoulders. :D
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