Hello from Southern Arizona!


New Hunter
My name is Jared and i'm new to this site and to costuming and I'm in the process of finding materials to build an ESB Boba suit. It'll be my first build ever, but I'm excited for the challenge.

I've really been inspried by how amazing the builds people on here and builders in the 501st and the Mando Mercs are. Always been really big into the DIY lifestyle and these guys have really amazed me and I want to give it a whirl

Any advice on where to find materials and how-to's would be awesome!!
from one ESB arizonian to another, welcome! everything you will ever need is within these threads. more Fett knowledge and experience than you'll find anywhere else in this galaxy, and hands down the greatest community of costumers i've ever had the privilege to be a part of. have fun with it man, you'll find what you are looking for quickly in the cargo hold! good luck Jared!

Sent from my R2 unit
Thanks, man! I'm super excited to start building and I've noticed pretty much everyone in these threads are really friendly and helpful! Glad to see another Arizonan on here! Haha
I didn't know there was a 501st Garrison this close to me. Right on, man. Hopefully I can find some more TDH members and others down here.
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