What is the best material to make a helmet out of?


New Hunter
What is the strongest, most durable material to make a Mando'ade helmet out of? I'm looking for one now, and want to make sure I don't get a low quality helmet. Also, what else should I look for to know it's good quality? Thanks ahead of time for the replies.
Hmm...Titanium ? :lol:

As far as I know, most helmets are made of either the stuff; plastics (ABS, styrene, hdpe), fiberglass, resin.

All Stormtrooper helmets are made from vacuum forming method which mean plastic. They are quite durable and strong, especially that ABS plastic.

I suggest ABS plastic.
if youre scratchbuild with wof templates, a heavy cardstock is easy to build the helmet with. then you resin coat the exterior and fiberglass the interior.

for buying, i like resin fiberglass combo helmets like saz sells.

if youre gifted, you can make one from metal
I would love to make one out of metal, but I don't know how to make them. I have metal breast pieces, a diamond piece, and an abdominal piece. I still need to get the collar, back plate, and shoulder pads. I'm having trouble finding an unpainted helmet. Trying to get it in time for the Christmas holidays.
check with delta squad boss at mando mercs. not sure if he can get one to you that fast though. but he just started a new run. also, you can hit up saz here for one of his fett style helmets. he would probably be more likely to be able to get you one that soon. not sure if sgt famg still has helmets on the shelf but, he'd be worth trying as well.
saz and sgt. fang you can search in the members list here at tdh and send them a pm.

for deltasquadboss at mercs, go to www.mandalorianmercs.com, create a forum id, if you dont already have one. go into the trading station and he'll have a thread there for his helmets. you can either post in the thread or pm him.
I made my bucket from Cereal boxes, bondo and fiberglass resin + cloth. It's working out pretty good, but it's not THE strongest.
I have a cancelled order I'd be happy to send to you.

Get me the money quick though, as pre christmas send in uk is this Firday!
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