Vhonte Tervho build

Okay you have to tell us what you did to get the boot spikes going there! They are awesome. Is it polystyrene or did you heat some ABS? do tell us.
Well GCNgamer128, I thought I would paint those cyliders, but you like that look? Cool, I really wasn't sure to paint them, just thought it would blend in better. And fightstar, those spikes are are pushed through sintra with holes drilled through. And I have been working on one of the two guns, will post pics this weekend, but want to put the closer to done pics rather than the pre pics, but will also have the progress pics if anyone really cares. They took a turn from one style to another with a quickness! You will see what I mean when I get some pics up. And that stupid cod piece is a pain, still workin on it. Thank you all for the positive feedback! I never expected so much interest.
Well I do agree the red and black combo has been done, but I did not choose that, it is what was there. And while the other pic with the 2 mando's getting hitched is a cool one, with the yellow scheme and all, it is not what I chose to do. I will do that eventually I think! Man, that boob armor was harder than I thought, but is ending very well! I will be pulling that soon, and once it is pulled and trimed to the Mando style, I think it will rock! whats is funny is I had pm's already about smaller boobs and bigger boobs! Heh all I can think of right now is that south park episode where the 6th graders ask for a pic of cartman's mom's boobs and they draw them on cartmans a,s,s, and they say BYOOBS! or like,bey-oobs! Ya know? heh heh!.. well I have some pics of modified Jango blasters I will post tommorow, along with a pre pre pre-codpiece. EDIT And I just got a request about would it fit a triple D ( 38 DDD)! And I actually saw the tag from the bra..
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You may be onto something here. Apparently there is more demand for female mando armor than anyone may have suspected. Could you use some chest manequinns as a form when you vacuum form pieces? I know most of the mannequinns are B cups. This could save you time on creating B cup armor.
Hey here are a few pics of my modified Westar's. Hey, who says the didn't make other models! And my first gun idea.. still might do something with them later. Who knows. No more work on the cod, hopefully get it done in the coming week.



Well the green gun I am not going to use.. that was just playin a around with ideas. Both westars will be modded the same. Probably rub n buff em, see how that looks, or try something else. I used sintra to get the shape, then bondo to fill in all the gaps and get that smooth look. I dunno I think they will look good, plus kinda cool having the westar as a base, a real Mando used gun. Thinking about adding grips to cover the hole there, but I kinda like that hole, because that handle and the tapered front end keep that westar look.
From what I see from the pic only the blaster in her left hand is the westar idea you're going for. The one in her right from the front looks like a modded 1911 .45 Handgun to me. I would know, I love 1911's lol.
I agree, TxFett, I think they are supposed to be the same, just not drawn the same. Which is why I was going to make both the westars the same. Even though mine are not going to 100% accurate to that pic, they are not a bad rendition. I might go back and add the piece in front of/part of the trigger guard, but I am not going to try to make them look exactly like that pic.
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