NEW! Custom Bounty Hunter Costume

I have a good design of what I am hopping to do for the mando helmet. But I have a small question. What are some options of removing the extra trim around the bottome of the bucket and the t-visor? I am hopping for something simple. Please and thank you guys!
Alright; time for some updates guys. Today after baking a cake and cleaning the house up a bit before my grandma comes down from Wisconsin I went to Wal*Mart and purchased on some Krylon Fusion paint for my armor.


Three colors that will be used for the armor. Hoorah for me lol!

Along with that; after my dad got home he told me to go and get my helmet. I did not know what he wanted with it but then he asked if I wanted the visor cut out so that a tinted visor could be placed within it. He did so using some cutting tools and cut the t-visor out of the helmet along with the excess stuff on the bottom. Here is how it came out.


Now hopping that my schedule at school does not get in the way I will begin painting on the helmet and hopefully the weapon. Until then guys; that is what I got in terms of updates. More photos to come.
if you get you some "stay" from a hobby store like hobby lobby you can save your self some major time in the weathering department B^) also are you planning on using primer?? also before painting tha bucket i would make sure to give it a quick sanding with a super fine sand paper. that way it will give the paint something to hold onto! B^)
Yeah I was lucky enough to get the stuff from Wal*Mart today before some guys from Dish Network T.V. had to come out and fix my T.V. because of it not working whenever I want to watch T.V. I swear it is like trying to fix a computer. But going to Wal*Mart to get the pain kind of left me a little broke and tight on some cash with nearly $10 bucks left. And that ten dollars is for my lunch at school unless I decide to take left overs from the house.

I would have enough for a t-visor from but as stated before I had to get this paint before I spent the money on useless things LOL! There maybe a chance that I wont have my t-visor until after Halloween which really sucks. If that becomes the case then there is a good chance that I'll just wear a black mask over my head that conceals everything except for my eyes. So if people do look at me then they probally wont notice that a T-Visor has not been placed.

The grey paint that I got is basically for a first layer before I truly start adding over the colors of red and black. I will also be using the grey as battle marks and scars that will be shown on the armor. So it should come out good enough to me with all of my stuff. I am going to take my time on this. The only other thing I really need is a t-visor and some attachments to hold the armor onto my form.
you can get visors locally at HD or lowes here in PHX for about 6 bucks, in several colors. id stick with green or smoke grey.

shade #3 or #5

no tinting required.
When I do go to either HD or Lowes what would I look under to get the visor. Green is sounding like a mighty fine color to use in my book LOL! And it's a good thing I wont need the tinting for it all LOL!

Now that is all aside with the T-Visor lets get some updates going.

The helmet updates will be on tomorrow. Thursday is one one of my longer days at school so I really could not get anything accomplished today except with some materials that I am putting into the costume to make it look more cool. So I pulled out my black mask that I used for my sith costume a while back and test fitted it with a sweet looking bandana that will also be put into the armor. I was looking all over for it and finally found it.



So can you all guess what kind of shirt I am wearing in that photo? LOL! I am kidding you don't have to guess unless you want to.

Anyway, moving on my parents have been cleaning and straightening up one of our rooms which we call the "big living room" it used to be a garage but the people who lived here before us modeled it into another room. Anyway, they pulled out a bunch of stuff and set it in the regular living room we use everyday. Turns out one of them was a black pack. I thought since I wont have a back plate that I will just use this until then. I believe it will work well with the armor and helmet.


Return later tomorrow and I will get the photos of my helmet up for viewing. Thanks for supporting me in this guys.
hmmm from what i can see your shirt is some guitarist... cant tell who though.

Btw looks great! ill be waiting for the pics tomorrow :D
Hey Commander, like I was talking about on my Mando Couple thread, if you were able to swing enough for some silver type paint, paint that on your bucket after the primer. Then paint on toothpaste (I used Arm & Hammer type, but don't think it matters) in streaks for cuts, dots for dents and dings. Then lay down your color coat. Once it's dry, wash your bucket and the toothpaste will come off. Don't try to wipe it, cause the paint will basically turn the toothpaste into creamy paint and will smear your paint job. Washing will get it off and make the edges of your mask lines look chipped.

I thought it was win-win. 18 bucks for masking fluid vs. 1 dollar for toothpaste & not even cause I already got that. I try to find bits of stuff like you and make use of it. Remember, OT Star Wars was all about real world used items and kit bashing.

Oh and here's a tip for you. Ask your ROTC buds and others you may know to see if they make model kits...even if it's embarrassing to admit for them. All current and prior modelers have a stash of random spray paints, most importantly to you, usually lots of silver and black.
Alright as promised I have some updates for viewing. Started with the bucket and went into the weapon seeing as it was the next smallest thing to paint. I put up about two layers of grey paint on the helmet and may need a third which I will do tomorrow along with adding the first coat of red on the helmet. All in all I am pleased with how it turned out.



I also worked with my weapon as well which turned out really good. It actually does look like the DC-15S blaster rifle seen from the Clone Wars animation series on Cartoon Network.


So far everything is going well. I am going to touch up and do some more stuff tomorrow. Just wanted to get the basic stuff down today that way I would be ready for tomorrow's paint after my nephews football game. Before I went to school I went on searching along with my mom and we came across some battery operated glow sticks which I am thinking of using for my helmet so anyone who comes across me will see me instead of running into a darkened mando LOL! Need to decide what color to use for the glow sticks.

But as I have stated before I am going to finish up on my weapon as the trigger does need to be painted to look better and I will begin work on the helmet more adding on battle damage and all that other good stuff. Hopefully the first coat of red will be on for viewing and probally black on sunday.



That's all for now folks.
Are you keeping the Boba dent? I just picked up a helmet and it has a Boba dent too. Any tips out there for filling it? Bondo I assume?
I had no intentions of filling the Boba Fett dent of my helmet. I figured that I could use the dent to my advantage and add some good battle damage to the helmet. My helmet is going to have a lot of battle damage on it by the time I am through. I am a person who likes to see good amounts of damage to a mando LOL! Just gotta figure different places to put the damage I want. But if you are wanting to fill the Boba dent on your helmet I would guess it'd be bobdo.
Could but as said I am going to use that dent as apart of my battle damage to make it look more awesome when the helmet is complete. I am a battle damage crazy person LOL!
I'm the same way Commander, I scuffed my armor up pretty good, esp considering my scratches and dents weren't just paint effects. I just don't want the same dent as 100's of other Mandos.

I'm too chicken to cut the dome and patch it, so I'll prob. just fill it.
Don't worry bout it! We'll be happy as long as you get back to work eventually. ;) Weapons and bucket are coming along nicely. Yay pistols!
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