need help


New Hunter
Hey I am new to this whole "armor" thing and I was wondering how to make custom mandalorian armor and if I needed to make a specific one or if i could just think of a name ,color and emblem please help.
When it comes to the color, emblem, ect. there doesn't seem to be any rules (if there are, there shouldn't be). Just make something you're happy with. Have fun with it, and experiment. There are no mistakes, only a learning process. Anything you paint can be repainted, and anything you build can be rebuilt.
If you're not sure about something you've made post a picture and ask for an opinion. The best advise I've got is take your time, don't rush through the pieces, cause they won't turn out, and have fun with it.
And if you need templates just click here.
Thanks kthur that helps and fett boy I was looking on making and cheap one but I still would want it to be pretty good quality
It's all based on height according to the templates. If you're heavier, of course, you'll need larger pieces and if you're skinner it goes the other way. Just check out that thread and print a sample sheet for the chest armor and see what feels right for you.
Get yourself a cheap plastic bin from Target and use the templates to cut out the armour, you will need to heat the plates up to bend them to form around your body. So, as mentioned, print out the templates and check to see if you get good coverage but not so the chest plates go past your rib cage.

I would recommend that you get a vest before you shape the plates as the vest tends to muffle the body's general shape.

If you are looking to troop in the armour then try the mandalorian mercs, as they have guidelines for how the suit should look, there are also some great tutorials stickied in this section as well, two which I think would be useful to you are the helmet sizing guide and the plate mounting guide.
5'1" I would say the medium template. And when you print it put it around 86% percent. You might need to play with till you find the right size through. This is just a guess on my part.
There's two methods, boiling water or the oven. Just remember to wear heat proofed gloves when bending. Having a bucket of cold water at hand once you have properly bent the plate will help set the plate quickly.

It may take a few goes to get the bends right and, as is the mantra of building armour, taking your time will prevent you making serious mistakes.
dremel motor would work, a razor blade knife is what i like. you can usualy score the plastic, bend it in half along the score line and it will snap off. no mess, no wirries. just be carefull with the knife, they are extreamly sharp.
ok thx, how many bins will i need make the armor because since i dont need leg armor just knee armor chest and shoulder etc. ? Also how do i make the hemet.
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