My first Custom Mando - Kael


New Hunter
Hey all! Been working on my own set of armor for awhile now.. thought I'd post the WIP pics (from MMCC) =P
Using templates from Wizardoflight I cut out the basic pieces (I'm using trash can plastic for this one)

I got ahead of myself and decided to paint it.

Here is my "concept" shoulder design.


Shoulder plates are riveted together with a long rivet and can actually move pretty well on their own.



More pieces taking shape!

Made a different pattern for the left shoulder. Starting to come together!
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Hey hey hey! Both shoulders work, hoorah!


The upper body armor mounted in place for the first time.


My gauntlets!

A bit of flare >=D


The finished mando!
Had to take a little trip on the town in costume. Invaded the local jamba juice.





That looks really cool! I really like the new take on the collar armor, shoulders and gauntlets. Very spiffy. With the shoulder pieces moving on their own is there any problem with one spreading out and the other squashing up? or are you not worried if this happens?

Thanks for all the positive responses! I had really a lot of fun making it. Glad I'm not the only one who likes it XD

Trying to find excuses to wear it in public is becoming a bit difficult here in Hawaii though.
Thanks! Working on a jet pack now heh - got to put something on my back right?

Here is a WIP pic of it =P

Pained me a little bit to destroy the super soaker I'm using as a base for it, but it's death will not be in vain!
The vest is actually a pleather jacket I found at the local Savers with the pockets and sleeves removed. It has a hidden zipper in the front that makes putting it on really easy and looks pretty good. Was a pretty random find though.
Nice job. Even having my own custom I sometimes cringe at some of the variations but I like your subtle changes. I think you pulled off the layering.

A bit of weathering would really add depth to it imo. Maybe some acrylic black sponged off at the edges.
Well it's been a little bit, I finished the bulk of the work on my jet pack and I think it turned out pretty nicely. Here are a few shots (Haven't gotten any shots of it in action yet though)
I'm also pretty sure I need to find a way to put a missile on there, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.


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