Ideas for a mando


I've been thinking about making a custom mando that has white armor and a black (or some dark color) flightsuit. Here's a pic of TK-409 that I edited in Photoshop just to get my idea across. Over the helmet I want there to be a large slash from a light sabre that goes across the visor. Even part of the visor will be cut out so the eye can be seen. Heres my vision so far...

The pic of Robocop is to show what type of scar I want going across the helmet.

Criticism is welcome!


I'm enjoying it; white mandos have some sort of thing that catches my interest. I was considering white for my mando but when with the cool color of red and black. Maybe white will be the next color in decision for me. As it really does not take long to get the white color. But I am loving the red t-visor. It's really cool!!!! Get a going on it vod.
Robocop's damage is via bullets, where as you'll be looking for the clean sweep of a lightsaber blade.

Apart from that the black undersuit white plates looks good.
Yeah I was planning on making the cut across the helmet being one "clean sweep" instead of all dented up like Robo's. I also might try cutting a spot out of the visor an burning the edges with a lighter to make it look like a lightsaber had been there.

I've thought about making the mando blind in that one eye from the heat and flash of the lightsabre. I could wear a light blue contact or solid white or something.
B^) i was wanting to do the same thing... sorta... sept not actually by a light saber just a good gash from like a large animal or trandoshan or something B^) not sure how ill do it yet still waiting to get my bucket B^) are you going to scratch build your helmet? or use one like sg. fangs, bobamaker or someone else's ?? B^)
Yeah I'm scratchbuilding a helmet right now from cardboard. I was originally making a Boba helmet but I put the dome templates on backwards so the shape of the dome is wrong for Boba so now I'm gonna use it for this guy. I'm about to go get some bondo now to put on the dome...sigh...lotta hard work comin up.

But i'm gonna add the cut across the face after the bondo
Heres the helmet so far...
The back part of the dome is KILLING me but I'm too lazy to go back and fix it. I would rather just build a new helmet than to fix that one little part. But since it's a custom I don't really care :lol:


Can I give you a piece of advice?

Fix it or scrap it, the dome looks all wrong.

All you need to fix it is to build it up with either car body filler or resin if you intend to reinforce it.

Please also don't take that as harsh criticism, just I feel you will get more out of the project if you do it correctly and I think you'll be happier in the end.
Yeah I had planned on trying to fix the shape with bondo. What I was saying was I wasn't going try and redo the dome. Plus it's glued down with wood glue then epoxy over top of it so it's on pretty tight :) it would take a lot of pulling to get it off.

But I'm gonna see what I can do with the bondo.
You have a really good design here for a helmet. It seems many mandos are wanting to go toe-to-toe with jedi. How about sith? Wanna go toe-to-toe with a sith? LOL! But you are doing a great job. I have a high interest in this because of the white, black, and red color you are putting into it.
Oh and feel free to give "harsh critism" if you want. I don't get offended that easily and thats probably what I need in order to make it look right.
You know if I could and had enough; I would go ahead and make my mando helmet out of cardboard. It would take a while but it would be there. But I am going for the two-pace Jango Fett helmet. You are doing a great job vod....
Oh and feel free to give "harsh critism" if you want. I don't get offended that easily and thats probably what I need in order to make it look right.

Oh, no one is going to go out of their way to harshly criticise you, but you'll find a lot of experienced builders will be more than happy to guide you away from the mistakes they have made in the past.
Harsh? I can do harsh. Um....No! Wrong! You fail at life and Buy'ce building!

Just kidding, vod. Looks like you're off to a good start, and I'm a novice bucket builder myself, so all my harsh words are probably about worthless.
We're cool saz. Didn't mean for the confusion.:thumbsup: Ok, I just put the first coat of bondo on the top and I'm gonna let that dry for a while before I start sanding it. Its gonna take a bit to build up the back part of the dome. The next helmet I make I will probably just use the baseball helmet technique.

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