Custom Mando Art

Just a quick thread bump... I'll take any requests anyone has, they'll be drawn while I'm over here and I'll post 'em up when I get home to a scanner. lol
Hey Kal!

Your art skills are verry Good! I can draw, but I can never seem to get the colors down. I havn't started my armor yet, but would you mind drawing Me? I'll pm you with the details.
@AranarNakk: Yup got the details, I'll take a look at it in a day or so... the duty schedule is kinda rough right now... but I have a little bit of free time every now and then.

@BlackFury: Absolutely, just need to see what it actually looks like and I'll fire up something for ya. May be a few days tho.

Just so y'all know, I'm very limited on capability right now. I'm restricted to a camera (not a scanner) for the time being, and I had a limit on what I could bring with me... unfortunately markers just didn't make the cut when compared to uniforms, PT gear, issued gear, my laptop and some family photos. Therefore, colorization will be delayed by at least a month, possibly more until I can either get some markers here or get home, depending. That being said, thanks for the interest! I'll work diligently in my down time.

thanks Kal'ika ;).
this is my shadow guard :

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