New Hunter
Hey guys my name is STEALTH

I just wanted to share some progress on my War Machine Armor Project

hope you like it so far.


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Quick question, are you using the Dubean files or the regular ones? I notice there are multiple options for certain pieces...
yeah I use dubeans unfolds they are the best

as for this PM question

"Quick question, what kind of glue do you use on your pepakura stuff? :

I use hot glue.

I cut all the pieces out in a sitting then put them together in another sitting with hot glue. :)

oh dont be shy to ask questions in the thread. i'll answer them here so everyone can see the answer incase they had the same one.

I'll be glad to help the best I can. :)
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Wow this is looking awesome. It would be cool if you goit it finished by the release of Iron Man 2 but seems unlikely. This is looking wonderful
Thanks Darth
yes it's very unlikely. It isn't really my goal to get it done for the movie premiere as I really wanted to get it done for a convention by the end of May which is more realistic for me timewise.

I have a small update. The Abs/spine is completed. Once these are resined. They will be bondoed and detailed and then cut apart into sections
then each section will be backed in foam, then overlapped to achieve the accurate look and function.
Using the compression method the foam will stop the paint from getting scratched so much when the abs compress from movement

the cod piece is next

Hey, so apparently 405th.com is down... Do you happen to have the leg and back files? I downloaded the wrong ones which just show the thing, they don't have the "data for development" aka the actual page prints.

Update looks great, looking forward to the next one!

EDIT: Site is back up... I grabbed the correct leg files and the back file.
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hey where did you get the pep files for the war machine costume im staring one myself

man im dumb the files are right there haha sorry by the way the costume looks great good luck on your build
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So, you're making two of these right? One for me? :p

It's looking more and more amazing - it's got that bulky look that some of the armour seems to miss out on!
That's wicked... About how many hours per day would you say you're putting in, and how long per piece of armor?
Just trying to get a rough estimate of how long it takes.
well I pep really fast, everyone is different. some parts take me an hour to cut and assemble others 2-3 hours and some 5-6 hours to cut and assemble. its depends on you and you're commitment and drive that determines the speed. I used to be lazy and pep a piece then chill out then go back. On and off I got no where. You need to find the zone when doing this.
If you're cutting out a big part. Just cut the pieces out one day then assemble them the next day. This will teach you how to be patient

you'll get very far with that method and not burn out
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