Ready, Set, ZAM! (build wip)


Active Hunter
Hey everyone! long time no see! Finally back on the boards and bothering you all for help and advice on doing a Zam build. It is for my fiancee and though we want to make it as "accurate" as possible, we still have a budget to consider, so I will need to cut a few corners here and there.

My initial question is, since this is going to be mainly for cons and maybe a few fun events throughout the year, What do you all recommend for the body suit? I understand that Stretchhouse and neoprene are the ideal material, but has anybody found a thinner, more form fitting spandex-like material that will breathe better, bunch in the arms and knees less and be more comfortable to wear?

Please feel free to PM me with any makers/sources/tutorials that you have found helpful. I would greatly appreciate it :)

Looking forward to starting this project and will be posting updates/photos as I go along! Can't wait to have a Zam by my side while at events :thumbsup:
Got a sample swatch of all the neoprene over at Stretch House Fabrics here in NYC. #4 (upper right) I really like the way it looks and the thickness. Having other samples sent to me for comparison. Has anyone else used this material for their Zam body suit? Would love to see pictures. I'm not sure if it has enough of the sheen to it, but that could just be because a lot of the photos are with flash.
More progress photos to come...

In Daylight

Indoor Light
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Yeah the stretch house stuff has no sheen while the real stuff does. As far as the color goes, we could go back and forth on that, and I really don't want to have that ridiculous fight again.
yeah i think it would be cool to see a comparison of a zam complete with the stretch house stuff vs. the real stuff. we shall see though
Foxbatkllr is dead on... ;)

For the record... I have seen the real fabric/suit at the FIDM exhibit in LA a few years back. I think DCB's photos we have here on the Gallery, from the Aussie exhibit are a bit washed out from the flash. The problem with the fabric is that the sheen, really affects how the color looks under the various lighting conditions. Purple (or any shade/hue thereof) is difficult to work with to start with. Adding that sheen, and weird lighting, just makes it that much harder to match.

My personal opinion... the Stretchhouse fabric is very close in color to the original fabric - (The original is a bit more toned down/grayer), but is missing that sheen as you pointed out. However, I've seen Zam suits made with it, and it looks great with the skirt, vest and all the greeblies.
Yeah fox sent me a ZIA sample to compare to the stretch house material and it looks totally different because of that sheen. I like it, but I would be concerned by color shifts in photographs etc, since it will be mainly used for cons, 501st trooping and the like. That being said, would there be any issues with getting the stretch house material 501st approved? Anyone know or have a suit that was approved?
well speaking as the originator of the stretchhouse find and the first person to make a zam from it I can tell you it looks really good in any lighting. That was one of the reasons I went with it rather than the other fabric. The ZIA fabirc is by far much closer to the originaly stuff used, but unfortunatley the lighting on the set with the color filters is what gave it the color you see in the movie.

We didn't have the desire to run around trooping with special lighting to get the desired color we went with something more troop friendly that would look right in person when you were standing in front of the costume, either outside in the sun or inside in the dark.

These are the original build thread from Jamie's Zam as well as her finished Zam thread with some outside shots we took.

build thread

finished shots

Some of her 501st troops, and yes it is approved using this fabric
JD, I will definitely be referencing your thread for sure. I will be in touch with you all over the next few months as we piece this thing together. I think we will be tackling the body suit first and probably going the way of stretch house. I feel the color looks good, plus it's a little thinner and we live really close to the store
I don't think you'll have a problem getting the Stretch-House fabric 501st approved.

First, I helped to write the guidelines the 501st is using for the Zam character (Once they get all that finalized - but that's another story). I pointed out that there is no source for "Zam fabric." There isn't even an agreed upon color.... Hopefully, your GML will then ask for a copy of those guidelines, or ask another Zam, or just use their eyeballs... to see if the fabric is acceptable. I believe I did mention Stretch-House fabric as being one of the better choices in the guidelines ... so that should work in your favor if there are any problems.
SeattleZam here, aka Deunan in real life. My Zam has stretchhouse fabric, and I would recommend it for this costume. I've trooped over 30 times in it, and it held up really well through that. The purple on my leather skirt faded out from the sun in parades (even here in the northwest!) but the stretchhouse neoprene is fine. I have to make a new shirt (thanks, P90x, this one's too tight). It's not as shiny or thick as the ideal stuff custom made for ZamIAm, but it is a nice substitute. And washable as long as you do it by hand in cold water and dry flat, very gently, no heat.

It's also a heat-trapping fabric, so prepare to sweat (and take Febreze with you for long troops). Cold air and cold breezes will cut right through you like a knife, so ironically, take a nice snuggly Jedi robe or something for chilly parades. That was a missed photo opp, I'm sure...


Zam = v.1 done
Zam = v2 in progress
Luminara Unduli, elite build = 35%
Old Republic Jedi = done
Satele Shan, concept = done
Altair = done
Anya Kuro = done
Clone Wars, animated Commander Cody = in consideration
Ha... I hadn't thought of a Jedi Robe for keeping warm! Great Idea SeattleZam! (Probably won't need it much here... but ya never know!).
awesome thanks for all the info. we are still doing research and getting parts lists. i think we would go for the stretch house fabric after all.

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