Vult's Jango Build

Ijust realized that I have not updated my thread at all (slaps hand) in a while. Since I replaced the flightsuit I have been very happy! Love it! I have also had 5 or 6 troops that I have neglected to post pictures of, but here is one from our "May the 4th be with you" troop. Yes, my temporary knee armor slid down off the velcro on that side- but my DarkSide CC's should be replacing these this weekend.

Thanks Syper. Yes, I am loving it. I had a great troop last weekend for Make-A-Wish where I had the privilege of handing them a ticket for a whole week in Disney World. It was an amazing feeling seeing such happiness in two young boys that you could tell have been through hell already in their short life. This hobby is worth EVERY penny and EVERY hour spent. It is worth every cut, burn, gluing, and smashing of fingers. Pick what you love and start. Don't stop until you complete it, then keep repairing and upgrading it. In the end, it is worth all of it.

Edit: I neglected to mention that I have made some more adjustments and a few repairs already. I was noticing that my backplate was overlapping my girthbelt so I took a couple inches off that and it is much better! I have also received my DS knee's but they are too small for me. I have tried a couple different ways of gluing it with different pieces on the inside, but none of them felt strong enough to survive a troop when I put them on. I decided to just get a set of RKD's inner knee armor and glue the DS CC part on to the outside of that. I feel pretty confident that this will work for my thick knees since I use his knees on my custom mando and they fit perfectly.
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Honestly, I like them a lot. Thye look great and are reasonably comfortable on a long troop. I was in kit for ~ 9 hours last Saturday. I must admit they seemed to get scratched up pretty easily last weekend at Philly Comic Con. I don't know if I just had kids stepping on me a lot there or what. I've worn them probably 10 times before that event and not scratched them at all, then all of the sudden I got a bunch in one day...
Hi Vultana, is posible that you can scan that Jango magazine and upload here? I want for my jango photo references , well if that is possible, thanks bro.......................... o send it via pm
That is no Jango magazine per se'. Rather, a page out of the Dressing a Galaxy book. There are a few other pictures of Jango, but nothing you don't already have from a 100 different places on the internet. Sorry.
Hi Snowaure,

As I recall, there were two, maybe even three issues of Star Wars Insider that had Jango Fett on the cover (one had him and Zam, I think),but the image quality inside was disappointing (as a reference source). I was looking at buying them on eBay, but a friend had copies at home and after looking at them told me to not even bother.
Vultana, I knew that is not a Jango magazine bro, was a simple words from me, and I ask you with all respect is you can scan that and publish, thats all bro................thanks..

Azrok, thanks for you words bro, I ask because I am a Jango Fett fan in all ways, and that pictures I dont have it in my archives, thanks bro..............................
Okay Snowaure, I'm working on getting copies of those Star Wars Insiders, I believe specifically issues # 57 and #64. I have Dressing a Galaxy, will look for those. Will scan and send to you, hopefully can have them received and scans sent to you by end of the month. I'll PM you then for email address, or you can send to me before then. Thanks for the good reminder to get back on topic here...

..So, back to topic, Vultana, question for you, or wanted to see what your thoughts were on the cc buffing with steel wool. I've started polishing my CC helmet (Cruzer BKBT also), using the .0000 steel wool under running cool water. I saw a good comment somewhere on TDH the other day when researching the method vs Rub N Buff or painting. Someone mentioned (I'm paraphrasing) that some people do the steel wool method too dark, others do RnB (or paint) too bright, but both may look similar in photos, especially flash.

So far, I feel my first "layer?" of the steel wool work seems to be running a little dark, but I don't want to overdo it and buff it away completely, though may have done that in one spot (weathering should take care of that nicely). I have since been bearing down less and taking it slower. After you did your helmet/armor, and started logging some time in the suit indoor/outdoor, photos with flash/without, any thoughts on dark/light, going back to hit the steel wool again, etc?

Thanks, and once again, great thread - thanks for sharing the journey.

- Tom
Hey Azrok,

This is one of my pet peeves about RnB that I wasn't going to bring up, but since you ask me directly I will speak to it. Mind you that this is just my personal opinion based on my experience so far with the 10+ events I have done (including a couple 9+ hour days in kit). I would stick to the CC and 0000 steel wool and avoid the RnB as much as possible. The only place I have RnB on my entire kit is the gauntlets because I purchased them already completed that way. I have found that no matter how old, dry or polished the RnB feels to the touch, it still rubs off my gauntlets and gets on my vest and ammo pouches and it is not exactly easy to get it off leather. I am constantly trying to remind myself not to rest my gauntlets on my ammo pouches, but it is hard not to do it when you get tired.

I have to admit the jury is still out for me on how long the CC will last though. I carry my kit around in the largest Stanley box with foam in the bottom, but the plates are getting pretty scratched up just touching each other in side the box. I considered using cloth or foam to protect them between layers, but I fear that it won't all fit inside the boxt then. I have to carry my helmet seperately as it it right now. I would be very interested in hearing what other people are doing to protect theirs while they travel around between events.
The cold cast will last a very long time.

The nice thing on the small scratches is they really just add to the weathering. My ab plate and gauntlets have a ton of small scratches on them that I notice but the public and even the 501st guys I troop with on a regular basis don't tend to see them. I even had one person ask me how I put them on the suit to make it so authentic. To which I had to laugh and tell him that it was just a couple of years worth of trooping and it was not intentional.
Actually, if you look at the reference shots in the gallery here, there are little scratches on the real deal too... it definitely adds a sense of realism and bounty hunting :)
I agreee TLobe00 and have no problemwith a few for "reality". I was just growing concerned over how beat up they were looking in just 10 troops. I think I am working out a better way to care for them (see other thread) moving forward and it shoud be good.
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