New BKBT Armor Pieces

Updated pics.




Looking good. :thumbsup:
Do you plan to have these pieces made available before CIV? If so, perfect and I can stop working on these parts for my suit and just purchase your stuff.:thumbsup: :)
I'm not exactly sure when I will have these pieces ready but the idea is to get them molded up asap. I am looking into an alternative to fiberglass. I want something that is going to be light, tough & not as toxic!
Here are a couple more overlays. I think I pretty much have the cod finished. There is going to be some slight variance in the two because of slight differences in the angles, but it is really close.

new comparison TDH.jpg

new comparison 2 TDH.jpg

Great work on the cod and thigh... congratulations.

About the boot armor... There are some things I dont like too much (If you allow me to tell), I think it's very big in size, and some curves are not properly done...

I have done an overlay, scaling and rotating your boot to try to match as closely as possible the original one... and there you can see what I mean:

If it'snot too late, I think this could help you to make the ultimate foot armor... ;). (if it's too late, I guess Cruzer could take over from you ;)... if he wants it off course :P).

Well, take a look and let me know your thoughts.


Changes have been made & I'll post pics of the first fiberglass pulls tonight. One of the main hurdles was that I am using a replica boot that doesn't match up to the original exactly, therefore I have had to make slight changes so the armor looks right, but still fits the boot properly. Another thing is picture angle, it is impossible to get every detail to line up perfectly! Having said that, the above pic is not the finished product & some of the suggestions have been incorporated.
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