My Jango Progress

There are always two of them..
3 of them... 4 of them...
a whole army of them:lol:lol:

Man this picture is so cool. I was looking at it and the first thing that
I thought, hey they have all the same hairdresser:lol:

I realy like it :thumbsup:

also, in between working on the jango i do get around to school assignments. Here is a testprint from a series im working on now. i just thought i would share since im wearing my jango bucket haha. keep in mind it is rough and i havent properly edited it yet. I don't have a mouse on this computer so i could only use the pad on my laptop and it was horrible. i will def post the finals though. I'll keep it small in the meantime so you can't see all my mistakes haha! :lol:


And now the video version!


ok, i have a question about painting the resin kit blasters. I sanded it down, primed it, sanded it again, and have tried two different specialty metallic paints that leave permanent fingerprints days later. The full cure time is 24 hrs. but its dry to the touch in 15 minutes. Why is this happening? What is everyone else using to paint the handle and barrel?
i've decided to give up on doing the two different silvers on the guns and just paint the whole thing one silver color. On a happier note i got my jet pack, ammo belt, and boots that i bought off Seeker yesterday and that made my month! Absolutely love this gear! Thanks again Seeker for a awesome jet pack and a beautifully crafted ammo belt.
im not sure what they are bedstu? something like that. but they are already nice and worn in and naturally weathered. perfect for me.

Now i have the inspiration/motivation to actually weather up my armor now. The only things i need now are the shins, holsters, knees and back piece. My MOW gauntlets are being repaired due to some crackage. Anyone know someone who makes shins? I am also planning to get the holsters and back piece from cruzer once he recovers from the gauntlet run. I am on the list for asok's knee run. And I have a bobamaker vest and flight suit on the way sometime in the next month i would imagine. Also if anyone is up in the NY area I will be moving up to Queens this summer and transferring to the ECG when i get my jango finished soo.... we should chill.

just on a side note, how are people weathering the armor. dab it on dab it off with water type thing? i've never weathered anything with acrylics like that before. On my sandtrooper i used fullers earth (sand like stuff)
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I think those boots will work out perfect for you!! The pant leg covers the top of the boot anyway, and the armour covers the velcro closure. It also has the accurate sole, which makes those boots a great find!
I finally got the nerve to start weathering my armor. I don't know if its too "light" or not or if i should go darker, but the reference pictures i had downloaded and saw in the visual dictionary didn't seem too dirty. Mainly build up along the edges and cracks.

The blaster....ah yes the blaster, frustrated me to no end so i sort of finished it and moved on. I know that the blaster probably wouldn't be dirty and grimey because it would probably be well kept and clean, but after talking to some people i just decided to use artistic license and just dirty that up too. Next i am going to weather the helmet and build the second blaster. Here are some pics of where I'm at so far armor wise.

i really wish i had a mannequin to piece this all together. its hard to picture it unless its up on something with the helmet. OH and i need to paint gold in the barrel




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looking great phil! everything is coming together nice. keep up the good work...and the apparent

haha! thanks JD. I got a lot to live up to with all these awesome jangos on TDH.

Thanks again Cinco, Hopefully we can get together soon on the west coast and do a sweet fett photo shoot. :cheers
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