Anyone need some Jango armor?

I paid for my order on 8/23 and was told 4 weeks until I got my stuff.
JDFett got his order only because he called the police....rightly so.

Not only that - All JDFett wanted was a refund... not his armor...he already got armor elsewhere...:facepalm
I don't have names or locations right now but aparently 3 orders went out today too. One with 2 helmets a back and cod plate. Another is just the lower armor. Cod on down i assume. The third was a full set.

I will try to get just first names and locations from him tomorrow and post those as he ships them.

He's trying to get this stuff out. It's hard when you are working all the time.
His next day off is Thanksgiving and then back to work the next day.

Once again i ask those who recieve their stuff to please post somethig on it here so i know you got it.

Those who have not recieved an order yet if you want to you can PM me with your first name and location and what you ordered and i'll check it's status.

I don't know exactly what happened to all the money he recieved. I do know it's hard to refund it when you have NO internet access to your pay pal account which is now probably closed because of no reply from the refund / dispute filed on him.

JDFett. Glad you got your stuff. The squeaky wheel indeed got the grease......
also i may have interest in parting it out if i can't find a buyer...

here is judz dwedd's price list he sent me...

chest(all 4 pieces)----$50
both shoulders---------$25
total-----------------$100 plus pp and ship

both thighs------------$45
both shins-------------$45
both feet--------------$25
total-----------------$150 plus pp and ship

both knees-------------$60 plus pp and ship

that is really the only way i can part this out to make any sense..if you want any part in the top you would have to buy the set listed. same goes for the others...

also posted this in the cargo you can see thats $310 plus pp and ship if bought as he listed them, im offering the whole thing for $300 plus pp and ship..not a huge savings but a little just the same
I am heading down to JD's home town today. I'll give him call and see if he has any updates. I called him Wednesday about the orders and he was busy at the time. I assume with the holiday activities he has a lot of family stuff going on as well.

So many leftovers.
I just had a turkey sandwich for breakfast.. :lol:

Mr. Amaden7766. Watch your mail starting Monday. It has been shipped. i think it went out Tuesday.

Mr.Wannabe a fett. Yours should be going out soon.

He had a couple bad pulls (cracked Gel coat during de molding) and had to re make them.

Jim from Minnesota ."eh" ;) Yours should also be going out soon.
Just messin with ya Jim. We say eh here all the time to don't ya know. :p

WelderTim from Canada i sent you a PM concerning the parts you ordered.

I have a gentelman from Germany (AdamFrancis?) and another from Switzerland That he is also in process of making parts for.

If there is anybody else that has placed an order and has either not recieved it yet or has revieved their order, please post here or PM me.

I will keep posting updates as i recieve them. JD is working 12 hour days still and is trying to get everything done. :)

Mr. Amaden7766. Watch your mail starting Monday. It has been shipped. i think it went out Tuesday.

Mr.Wannabe a fett. Yours should be going out soon.

He had a couple bad pulls (cracked Gel coat during de molding) and had to re make them.

Jim from Minnesota ."eh" ;) Yours should also be going out soon.
Just messin with ya Jim. We say eh here all the time to don't ya know. :p

WelderTim from Canada i sent you a PM concerning the parts you ordered.

I have a gentelman from Germany (AdamFrancis?) and another from Switzerland That he is also in process of making parts for.

If there is anybody else that has placed an order and has either not recieved it yet or has revieved their order, please post here or PM me.

I will keep posting updates as i recieve them. JD is working 12 hour days still and is trying to get everything done. :)

..thats good news! thank you!!! :thumbsup:
I just got home from work.
I won't be able to call JD untill later today but i will call him for you sir.

I don't like to keep bothering JD while he is at work but it seems to be the only time i can call him.
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